Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Is this the God’s Wish??

God, the Unknown and mysterious component, for which everyone in this world is trying to figure out something and understand, is still an unknown and mysterious for all the people. Only very few of them had attained that state of experience. Rest of the people is still finding an answer for the same. I came across a strange thought on seeing the veracity and different states or rather societal status of the people in the present world? I just questioned myself, is this really a God’s wish to have people in this different states of life?
*Is talent really gifted by god?
*Does God really encourage the societal status, power and fame in the earth?
*Why there is a difference in the living style?
*Is the Karma affects the generation?
The first question which started in my mind was in my child hood. I just wonder on some people with some extra unique qualities or we say as talents. If talent is really a God’s gift to the people then why there is such a mess in the current society. Most of the people are developing their other talents; simply not remembering his own talents. In the present situation people are sacrificing their talents for living or rather we say surviving.
The very next thing that strikes in my mind is that people are assumed in their minds that if one person is gifted by god, he should be in either one of this category viz., he has got high societal status, he should be in a good fame or he should be having some power over the people to serve them. Really this concept of the Karma is not able to understand by me. Why not if a non fame and power person who is just surviving and not having food to eat daily can’t have the god’s bliss? He may be good in heart in the initial stages and he will live in peace if we left him alone. But the world wants everyone to be in some position. Everyone is working for his one respect and recognition and no one is ready to serve and help others. Is this the use of the sixth sense that we have it specially? Does god really support all these things in the materialistic world to His child?
I believe in the fact that when god created man he created all the men with equal status without any discrimination. It is because of the evolution (evolution in the living style), culture and civilization only there is a difference of life styles among the present men. If we say that some one is very poor because of his karma of life, where is the starting point of this? Only very few of the suffering people are coming up in their life when we consider the people mass as a whole. Does this mean, only that people are relieved from bad and past karmas? A fisher man or a beggar can’t change his way of living to live decently in the society. He can’t come out of his own commune. In the present situation he has to be there in his own place with his own people. Otherwise the society will ruin the life of the person who comes out of his commune for survival. Why is God not giving him such a life style for his whole life to suffer?
If one’s karma affects his life why is not happened to majority. We could see there are so many people who are doing all the nonsense in this society are living their life well. I don’t believe in the rebirth as I don’t have experienced it. We believe the truth only once we experience it. So why is this much difference in the life styles? We can see the poor is living as poor for generations and there is no improvement in their life styles. Even though they may be happy in their minds but as far as the world’s view is concerned he is suffering a lot from poverty.
In my view, God doesn’t make any discrimination in giving birth. But man made all the barriers which results in the various forms of the life styles. But I’m still searching for the answer for why God is not stopping us to create such a society.


Blogger Sunil said...

Hmmm Saravana... right direction... will reach me soon... Man is not able to digest the fact that he is just a meaningless chemical phenomenon which just happens... he wants meaning for everything... he trips over a rock and falls to get injured..he couldn't accept that the rock was just there... he tries to blame someone and no one is there he says karma... you killed an insect that's why god placed this rock on your way... strange creature... interestingly when i read 'jurassic park', they would discuss about animal's behavior.... like a lion when it takes over the pride from another lion it will kill all the cubs and force the lioness to have sex with it and breed it's own!... it's strange because animals, not as sophisticated as man to think, do exhibit all the rashness in the form of life.... evolution would make an interesting study

5:12 PM  

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