Murder Mystery - Salve Regimen-4
Surya rushed to see Arjun’s body in Germanium Industries (GI). Naveena joined him after some time. Surya tried to get the access reports and the surveillance videos from the GI. All the reports clearly indicate the security breach of Arjun. The chief of GI, Arun also joined Surya to help with this accident. Arun, the ladies and Surya left the spot and they began to talk outside the GI entrance.
“Why did he come to GI at this hour? Did you call him for any personal meet?” Surya asked Arun.
“I didn’t call him for a meet. It is only Arjun who called me and he wished to meet me at GI. But I don’t know why he wants to sneak into the main research area?” Arun explained.
“And what is the reason for the meet?”
“I really don’t know. He said to have a meet around 9:30 in the morning. But he came very early to our research lab” Arun continued.
“By any chance did any one of you know about this meet or the reason for Arjun to come up to this place in early morning” Surya turned his question to the ladies.
They replied as a big NO in chorus.
Surya decided to meet them personally. His suspect list added with one more name as Arun.
Surya went to MRAC and he wanted to do some investigation in the Arjun’s chamber or cabin. He thought Naveena might help in some investigations. So he called her up and they entered Arjun’s cabin.
Initially Surya went through the entire projects that are currently going on, proposed and completed in MRAC.
“What are you really looking for officer?” Naveena asked.
“Hmm. I’m just looking at the projects which may be left at some middle stages either for its criticality or to its confidentiality to release” he said looking at the projects at the terminal.
“There are no such projects which are existed over here. What kind do you want in precise?” she replied.
“I’m looking for, something like controlling the mind, altering the thoughts, deactivating the intelligence, something related to the mental other than physical medicinal projects”, he explained.
“Officer. No medicine will have the effect on the mind. All medicine invented so far will only controls or cures the physical related” she said it for sure.
“If a medicine can control the physical structures like your weight reduction pill, why some medicine can’t be used to control the mind. I mean something like making the human in to TRANCE and then you control it” he made his point to her.
“Good thinking officer. But it is not yet invented so far in MRAC. I wonder why no research can think about this option so far. Hope you will join our team soon if you continued to think like this” she said sarcastically.
He didn’t mind her comments. He is busy with his works.
“Is there any off record projects, something which is not recorded as a project in this database but still it exists in MRAC” he continued.
“Not at all officer. You can see some of the projects dropped at the beginning stage itself. But they are also been recorded in this database” She showed some projects dropped at the proposal stages.
“So this means that they are proposed by somebody or MRAC to plan to start the project but unfortunately it didn’t happened so far”
“Exactly” said Naveena.
“What if something which doesn’t even said a proposal but researched as a by-product or ended up something when doing a research on something or doing some internal projects for your specialization”, he again and again revolving around the same.
“We never maintain the records for those projects. We just report to our CRS. He approves/disapproves the project” Naveena replied.
“Did he maintain those separately? What type of projects are those projects?”
“I really don’t know whether he maintains the records or not. The type of projects which we did as internal projects are somewhat like our MRAC has lot of chemicals in R-Box. So for the people who are working, we designed a pill to increase the oxygen content of the blood. Before entering the R-Box, the oxygen content is substantially increased and they can work without any oxygen cylinders as these can act just like a battery backup” she gave an example for the internal project.
“Cool. Your internal projects itself are considered as a real project in the medical industry” he said and he switched on another terminal in Arjun’s cabin.
This terminal is not connecting to the access control database server but it seems like to be a standalone server. When it asked for a password he got the help from Francis. With some hours of try, finally they entered the Arjun’s terminal. He sent Francis out of the Arjun’s Cabin.
Surya and Naveena browsed through the Arjun’s terminal for getting any other information. Apart from other information, they finally opened one file which has all the internal projects information.
The lists of projects logged are shocking and mind boggling for both Naveena and Surya. She is not even aware of such projects that are existed in MRAC. The list also had got all the projects that Surya wanted to know about.
It has the projects like
# Making the man falling into TRANCE within 5 minutes
# Hypnotism within a minute
# Forced aversion within a minutes
# Hallucination within 2 minutes
# Unknown emotional disorder
# All the sensual, emotional and the mind related projects which you name it, they had in MRAC already.
So this makes Surya even more confusing about the motive behind these incidents. Someone must know about all the internal projects and try to make money out of it. But Arjun is the only one who got family outside and he knows about the outer world. He is also killed. Then there are two possibilities.
a) Someone is a working partner with Arjun and he/she will be getting the full profit/share now after killing him. If he is getting the full share what he/she is going to do if he had no descendants.
b) Someone other than Arjun has a family in the other world and the old lay man’s to make patent rights for his family.
“What do you think officer?” Naveena asked him in a low voice. She seemed to be shocked on seeing the list of internal projects.
“I don’t think any other motive other than patent rights or copyrights”
“What is the use of mere copyrights of patent rights making” she asked him innocently.
“It’s everything lady. If you get the patent rights and make it as a standard, then you will get the profit to generations till the patent is completely vanished or dropped. For example, when two computers are connected, they obviously connected through wired means. That wire made should follow some standard called IEEE so that the IEEE makers can made the benefit who ever the manufacturer is. Some amount of money will go them, if you start a manufacturing company following the standards. ISO is also another example. They made the standards for the organizations. The list goes on with wide areas. So in the pharmacy also, you can get a patent right for using these preposition ratios as one kind of medicine. To say in other words, there are ‘n’ numbers of medicines available for headache in the market. But the primary compound is patented to use for one person/company as all of them follow certain standard to make the medicines” he elaborated in detail to her.
They discussed about the other critical projects and Surya got all the information from her. They discussed till the night and they moved to their respective suites.
The next morning Surya decided to meet Lekha to get some information on Arun and GI. He went to her suite and picked her up. They went to the access control center and they picked up the project records of GI.
As usual Surya skimmed through all the projects that are currently going on, proposed and dropped by GI.
“So why did you choose me to help you in this investigation?” Lekha asked him.
“I guess you have been working with GI for quite a long time for all the merge projects before”, he replied.
“Yeah. That’s true” she blushed.
“So according to your knowledge, all the projects in the GI are being logged like the MRAC?” he started his interrogation.
“Yeah. As far as I know they log everything”
“What about the internal projects in GI. Is that being logged or it is just reported to Arun as you are doing with Arjun?” he continued.
“How did you know about all these projects?” she exclaimed.
“I asked Naveena yesterday”
“I don’t know about the GI but in MRAC Arjun maintains a copy for all the projects done separately”, she said what she had known.
“My goodness! She knows more about MRAC than Naveena” he said to himself and “How did you know Arjun’s record?” he asked her in a surprise.
“Arjun told me about the records one day. Why? Is anything wrong?” she was puzzled.
“Nothing like that. I hope you could have made my work easier. By the way do you know anything like this in GI?”
“I already said that I’ve no idea about Arun. He hardly discloses any matter outside GI researchers” she said in despair.
“Ok then. I’ll get the help from Francis to break the Arun’s personal records”
“Wait. I can help you to may best to breach you the GI terminals” she declared boldly.
“What? How do you know the security systems of GI?” he asked in confusion.
“I worked also as a security Agent for GI for quite a long period. In fact some of the existing security systems are designed by me in GI. They are also not aware of this fact” she said proudly.
“Cool. Let’s breach the GI security systems and have a peek into the Arun’s terminal” he said and they moved from access control center to GI.
In a minute of time Lekha breached the security time and both of them entered the Arun’s cabin. They switched on two or three terminals without know which one is his personal terminal.
Lekha cracked all the three terminal passwords and finally they identified the right one having Arun’s personal records.
They skimmed through all the projects which are made as internal projects and some of the off record projects are also logged.
These projects are also sensual projects to both of them. The project listed covers various areas where a normal person can’t even imagine to think.
The various lists include
# Design chip resembles like RBC (Project X)
# Timed control of medicinal fluid serum chips (PRJ X Extn)
# Secured access control from blood serum. – They gave the access card in the form of blood serum so that the employee can walk in the secured area directly just like swiping the access card.
# Modulation chips in the respective control areas- Some of the voice modulation and others are designed and they operated in the throat or respective regions for the desired output. This project doesn’t need any operation as they inject the designed chip particularly in the desired area and they act like they have been placed as a result of operation.
# Just like this, there are other projects where Surya named it, they had designed at least to a similar match.
So Arun is the one who can made use of the Project X with some other medical research project to carry over these tasks. But why? And How? There are so many questions that revolved around his head. They left the GI without creating suspicion to anybody. No one will know that they breached and left the GI security systems.
He didn’t come to a decision for a single suspect and a single motive. He suspected everyone.
Ø Naveena is the only one who knows about the outer world now in the X-City. She may have a family in the outer world and tried to move out.
Ø Lekha knows the nook and corner of the X-City and she even breached the security systems. She knows about the off records projects also. She may have a family in the outside world and wants to settle down.
Ø Arun never disclosed anything to the X-City itself. There is also a high possibility of having a family for him.
He is not sure about the ladies. But he needs to be checked with Arun. His reserved nature makes him more suspicious. The next morning he decided to meet him personally and interrogate him in his own style.
The morning begins with the intercom beep in Surya’s suite. He picked up the receiver and freezes with shock.
“Officer. This is Naveena. Arun is found dead in the premises of MRAC. His body is totally collapsed. We had a high suspicion that he consumed our latest medicinal research. We will proceed on your approval”
“Why did he come to GI at this hour? Did you call him for any personal meet?” Surya asked Arun.
“I didn’t call him for a meet. It is only Arjun who called me and he wished to meet me at GI. But I don’t know why he wants to sneak into the main research area?” Arun explained.
“And what is the reason for the meet?”
“I really don’t know. He said to have a meet around 9:30 in the morning. But he came very early to our research lab” Arun continued.
“By any chance did any one of you know about this meet or the reason for Arjun to come up to this place in early morning” Surya turned his question to the ladies.
They replied as a big NO in chorus.
Surya decided to meet them personally. His suspect list added with one more name as Arun.
Surya went to MRAC and he wanted to do some investigation in the Arjun’s chamber or cabin. He thought Naveena might help in some investigations. So he called her up and they entered Arjun’s cabin.
Initially Surya went through the entire projects that are currently going on, proposed and completed in MRAC.
“What are you really looking for officer?” Naveena asked.
“Hmm. I’m just looking at the projects which may be left at some middle stages either for its criticality or to its confidentiality to release” he said looking at the projects at the terminal.
“There are no such projects which are existed over here. What kind do you want in precise?” she replied.
“I’m looking for, something like controlling the mind, altering the thoughts, deactivating the intelligence, something related to the mental other than physical medicinal projects”, he explained.
“Officer. No medicine will have the effect on the mind. All medicine invented so far will only controls or cures the physical related” she said it for sure.
“If a medicine can control the physical structures like your weight reduction pill, why some medicine can’t be used to control the mind. I mean something like making the human in to TRANCE and then you control it” he made his point to her.
“Good thinking officer. But it is not yet invented so far in MRAC. I wonder why no research can think about this option so far. Hope you will join our team soon if you continued to think like this” she said sarcastically.
He didn’t mind her comments. He is busy with his works.
“Is there any off record projects, something which is not recorded as a project in this database but still it exists in MRAC” he continued.
“Not at all officer. You can see some of the projects dropped at the beginning stage itself. But they are also been recorded in this database” She showed some projects dropped at the proposal stages.
“So this means that they are proposed by somebody or MRAC to plan to start the project but unfortunately it didn’t happened so far”
“Exactly” said Naveena.
“What if something which doesn’t even said a proposal but researched as a by-product or ended up something when doing a research on something or doing some internal projects for your specialization”, he again and again revolving around the same.
“We never maintain the records for those projects. We just report to our CRS. He approves/disapproves the project” Naveena replied.
“Did he maintain those separately? What type of projects are those projects?”
“I really don’t know whether he maintains the records or not. The type of projects which we did as internal projects are somewhat like our MRAC has lot of chemicals in R-Box. So for the people who are working, we designed a pill to increase the oxygen content of the blood. Before entering the R-Box, the oxygen content is substantially increased and they can work without any oxygen cylinders as these can act just like a battery backup” she gave an example for the internal project.
“Cool. Your internal projects itself are considered as a real project in the medical industry” he said and he switched on another terminal in Arjun’s cabin.
This terminal is not connecting to the access control database server but it seems like to be a standalone server. When it asked for a password he got the help from Francis. With some hours of try, finally they entered the Arjun’s terminal. He sent Francis out of the Arjun’s Cabin.
Surya and Naveena browsed through the Arjun’s terminal for getting any other information. Apart from other information, they finally opened one file which has all the internal projects information.
The lists of projects logged are shocking and mind boggling for both Naveena and Surya. She is not even aware of such projects that are existed in MRAC. The list also had got all the projects that Surya wanted to know about.
It has the projects like
# Making the man falling into TRANCE within 5 minutes
# Hypnotism within a minute
# Forced aversion within a minutes
# Hallucination within 2 minutes
# Unknown emotional disorder
# All the sensual, emotional and the mind related projects which you name it, they had in MRAC already.
So this makes Surya even more confusing about the motive behind these incidents. Someone must know about all the internal projects and try to make money out of it. But Arjun is the only one who got family outside and he knows about the outer world. He is also killed. Then there are two possibilities.
a) Someone is a working partner with Arjun and he/she will be getting the full profit/share now after killing him. If he is getting the full share what he/she is going to do if he had no descendants.
b) Someone other than Arjun has a family in the other world and the old lay man’s to make patent rights for his family.
“What do you think officer?” Naveena asked him in a low voice. She seemed to be shocked on seeing the list of internal projects.
“I don’t think any other motive other than patent rights or copyrights”
“What is the use of mere copyrights of patent rights making” she asked him innocently.
“It’s everything lady. If you get the patent rights and make it as a standard, then you will get the profit to generations till the patent is completely vanished or dropped. For example, when two computers are connected, they obviously connected through wired means. That wire made should follow some standard called IEEE so that the IEEE makers can made the benefit who ever the manufacturer is. Some amount of money will go them, if you start a manufacturing company following the standards. ISO is also another example. They made the standards for the organizations. The list goes on with wide areas. So in the pharmacy also, you can get a patent right for using these preposition ratios as one kind of medicine. To say in other words, there are ‘n’ numbers of medicines available for headache in the market. But the primary compound is patented to use for one person/company as all of them follow certain standard to make the medicines” he elaborated in detail to her.
They discussed about the other critical projects and Surya got all the information from her. They discussed till the night and they moved to their respective suites.
The next morning Surya decided to meet Lekha to get some information on Arun and GI. He went to her suite and picked her up. They went to the access control center and they picked up the project records of GI.
As usual Surya skimmed through all the projects that are currently going on, proposed and dropped by GI.
“So why did you choose me to help you in this investigation?” Lekha asked him.
“I guess you have been working with GI for quite a long time for all the merge projects before”, he replied.
“Yeah. That’s true” she blushed.
“So according to your knowledge, all the projects in the GI are being logged like the MRAC?” he started his interrogation.
“Yeah. As far as I know they log everything”
“What about the internal projects in GI. Is that being logged or it is just reported to Arun as you are doing with Arjun?” he continued.
“How did you know about all these projects?” she exclaimed.
“I asked Naveena yesterday”
“I don’t know about the GI but in MRAC Arjun maintains a copy for all the projects done separately”, she said what she had known.
“My goodness! She knows more about MRAC than Naveena” he said to himself and “How did you know Arjun’s record?” he asked her in a surprise.
“Arjun told me about the records one day. Why? Is anything wrong?” she was puzzled.
“Nothing like that. I hope you could have made my work easier. By the way do you know anything like this in GI?”
“I already said that I’ve no idea about Arun. He hardly discloses any matter outside GI researchers” she said in despair.
“Ok then. I’ll get the help from Francis to break the Arun’s personal records”
“Wait. I can help you to may best to breach you the GI terminals” she declared boldly.
“What? How do you know the security systems of GI?” he asked in confusion.
“I worked also as a security Agent for GI for quite a long period. In fact some of the existing security systems are designed by me in GI. They are also not aware of this fact” she said proudly.
“Cool. Let’s breach the GI security systems and have a peek into the Arun’s terminal” he said and they moved from access control center to GI.
In a minute of time Lekha breached the security time and both of them entered the Arun’s cabin. They switched on two or three terminals without know which one is his personal terminal.
Lekha cracked all the three terminal passwords and finally they identified the right one having Arun’s personal records.
They skimmed through all the projects which are made as internal projects and some of the off record projects are also logged.
These projects are also sensual projects to both of them. The project listed covers various areas where a normal person can’t even imagine to think.
The various lists include
# Design chip resembles like RBC (Project X)
# Timed control of medicinal fluid serum chips (PRJ X Extn)
# Secured access control from blood serum. – They gave the access card in the form of blood serum so that the employee can walk in the secured area directly just like swiping the access card.
# Modulation chips in the respective control areas- Some of the voice modulation and others are designed and they operated in the throat or respective regions for the desired output. This project doesn’t need any operation as they inject the designed chip particularly in the desired area and they act like they have been placed as a result of operation.
# Just like this, there are other projects where Surya named it, they had designed at least to a similar match.
So Arun is the one who can made use of the Project X with some other medical research project to carry over these tasks. But why? And How? There are so many questions that revolved around his head. They left the GI without creating suspicion to anybody. No one will know that they breached and left the GI security systems.
He didn’t come to a decision for a single suspect and a single motive. He suspected everyone.
Ø Naveena is the only one who knows about the outer world now in the X-City. She may have a family in the outer world and tried to move out.
Ø Lekha knows the nook and corner of the X-City and she even breached the security systems. She knows about the off records projects also. She may have a family in the outside world and wants to settle down.
Ø Arun never disclosed anything to the X-City itself. There is also a high possibility of having a family for him.
He is not sure about the ladies. But he needs to be checked with Arun. His reserved nature makes him more suspicious. The next morning he decided to meet him personally and interrogate him in his own style.
The morning begins with the intercom beep in Surya’s suite. He picked up the receiver and freezes with shock.
“Officer. This is Naveena. Arun is found dead in the premises of MRAC. His body is totally collapsed. We had a high suspicion that he consumed our latest medicinal research. We will proceed on your approval”
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