Thursday, July 13, 2006

Chakras of our Body

1. MoolaDhara Chakra
2. Swadisthana Chakra
3. Nabhi Chakra
4. Hridya(Heart) Chakra
5. Vishuddhi Chakra
6. Agnya Chakra
7. Sahastrara Chakra
Mooladhara Chakra
This four petalled center is called the Mooladhara and is situated below the triangular sacrum bone. This centre is placed outside the spine and on gross level corresponds to pelvic plexus which looks after all our excretions inclusive of sex activity. Though the Kundalini has to rise through six centres, Mooladhara protects the purity and chastity of the Kundalini at the time of its awakening. Mooladhara is for our innocence and one should know that innocence can never be destroyed. Too much thinking about and indulging in Sex weakens this centre. Despite all arbitrary abandonment of natural laws, innocence, the power of Mooladhara, remains, in a sleeping or sick state which can be cured and normalised through Kundalini awakening.

The Six petalled centre is called Swadisthan and is situated in the abdomen. This centre corrosponds to aortic plexus, which supplies with energy of creativity and abstract thoughts. This centre also provides energy to the brain by converting fat cells into brain cells. Too much thinking and futuristic planning weakens this centre and one develops very weak attention. Liver which is seat attention is governed by this centre. This centre also controls the functioning of pancreas, uterus and some part of intestines. When Kundalini awakens and opens this centre in a person, that person becomes very creative, dynamic and spontaneous in all his activities.

This ten petalled centre is called the Nabhi and is situated behind the Naval region. This centre corrosponds to Solar Plexus, which gives us the power to sustain things within ourselves. This centre governs the function of digestion and assimilation and looks after stomach, intestines and parts of liver. The biologicalrythem which is regulated by Spleen is also controlled by Nabhi. This centre looks after the welfare and evolution of the mankind. When Kundalini rises and pierces this centre in a seeker, he becomes satisfied from within and becomes extremely generous.

This Twelve petalled centre is called Anahat and is placed behind the Sternum bone in the spinal cord. This centre corrosponds to Cardiac plexus, which produces the antibodies till the age of twelve. These antibodies are then circulated in our system which helps us to fight any kind of attack on the body or mind. Where there is either physical or emotional attack on the person, these antibodies are informed through the sternum, which has a remote control of information. This center controls breathing by regulating the functionong of heart and the lungs. When Kundalini pierces this centre, the person becomes extremely confident, secure, morally responsible and emotionally balanced personality. Such person is very benevolant and loves humanity without any self-interest involved and is dear to all.

Vishuddhi Chakra
This Sixteen petalled centre is called Vishuddi and is placed in the neck region of the spinal cord. This region corrosponds to cervical plexus, which regulates the functioning of ears, nose, throat, neck, teeth, tounge, hands, gestures etc. This centre is responsible for the communicatio with others, because through these organs we communicate with others. On the physical level it controls the function of Thyroid glands. Harsh speech, smoking and artificial behaviour and guilt feeling blocks this centre. When Kundalini pierces this centre, the person becomes extremely truthful, tactful and sweet in communications and does not indulge in futile arguments. He becomes extremely diplomatic in handling situations without igniting the ego.

Agnya Chakra
This Two petalled centre is called Agnya and is placed where the two optic nerves cross each other in the brain(Optic chiasma). This Centre caters to Pituitary and Pimeal glands in the body which manifests the two institutions of ego and Superego within us. Since this centre governs our eyes, too much visual engagements like cinema, computers, television, over reading etc, weakens this centre. Indulging in mental callisthenics and intellectual feats leads to blocking to blocking of this centre and one develops the notion of I-ness and ego. When Kundalini pierces this centre, the persn immediately becomes thoughtless and forgiving, which is the essence of this centre, that is it allows us to forgive others.

This Thousand petalled centre is called Sahastrara is the most important centre situated in the brain or limbic area. Actually there are thousand nerves, and if you take transverse section of the brain, you can see all these nerves beautifully arranges in a petal like structure to form lotus of thousand petals. This centre covers the limbic area of the brain, before realization, like a closed bud of Lotus. Above this is a covering of two balloon like structures of Ego and Superego. When Kundalini rises and pierces this centre, it awakens all the nerves thus enlightening every nerve centre and we say that the person is enlightened soul. Kundalini further pierces the fontanelle area and opens a gateway into the cosmos and we experience this as cool breeze on the head. This is actualization of the Union(Self-Realization) with the all pervading Power of Divine.


Blogger Ramkumar said...

chakrannu solrae oshonnu solrae
bruthers nnu solrae.
yepadi iruntha nee ipadi agita

I was expecting a small town play boy to transform into a corporate level play boy. hmm.... namma yenammo nenaikirom aandavan yetho seiyiraan.

9:22 AM  

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