Friday, June 30, 2006

Murder Mystery - Salve Regimen-4

Surya rushed to see Arjun’s body in Germanium Industries (GI). Naveena joined him after some time. Surya tried to get the access reports and the surveillance videos from the GI. All the reports clearly indicate the security breach of Arjun. The chief of GI, Arun also joined Surya to help with this accident. Arun, the ladies and Surya left the spot and they began to talk outside the GI entrance.
“Why did he come to GI at this hour? Did you call him for any personal meet?” Surya asked Arun.
“I didn’t call him for a meet. It is only Arjun who called me and he wished to meet me at GI. But I don’t know why he wants to sneak into the main research area?” Arun explained.
“And what is the reason for the meet?”
“I really don’t know. He said to have a meet around 9:30 in the morning. But he came very early to our research lab” Arun continued.
“By any chance did any one of you know about this meet or the reason for Arjun to come up to this place in early morning” Surya turned his question to the ladies.
They replied as a big NO in chorus.
Surya decided to meet them personally. His suspect list added with one more name as Arun.

Surya went to MRAC and he wanted to do some investigation in the Arjun’s chamber or cabin. He thought Naveena might help in some investigations. So he called her up and they entered Arjun’s cabin.
Initially Surya went through the entire projects that are currently going on, proposed and completed in MRAC.
“What are you really looking for officer?” Naveena asked.
“Hmm. I’m just looking at the projects which may be left at some middle stages either for its criticality or to its confidentiality to release” he said looking at the projects at the terminal.
“There are no such projects which are existed over here. What kind do you want in precise?” she replied.
“I’m looking for, something like controlling the mind, altering the thoughts, deactivating the intelligence, something related to the mental other than physical medicinal projects”, he explained.
“Officer. No medicine will have the effect on the mind. All medicine invented so far will only controls or cures the physical related” she said it for sure.
“If a medicine can control the physical structures like your weight reduction pill, why some medicine can’t be used to control the mind. I mean something like making the human in to TRANCE and then you control it” he made his point to her.
“Good thinking officer. But it is not yet invented so far in MRAC. I wonder why no research can think about this option so far. Hope you will join our team soon if you continued to think like this” she said sarcastically.
He didn’t mind her comments. He is busy with his works.
“Is there any off record projects, something which is not recorded as a project in this database but still it exists in MRAC” he continued.
“Not at all officer. You can see some of the projects dropped at the beginning stage itself. But they are also been recorded in this database” She showed some projects dropped at the proposal stages.
“So this means that they are proposed by somebody or MRAC to plan to start the project but unfortunately it didn’t happened so far”
“Exactly” said Naveena.
“What if something which doesn’t even said a proposal but researched as a by-product or ended up something when doing a research on something or doing some internal projects for your specialization”, he again and again revolving around the same.
“We never maintain the records for those projects. We just report to our CRS. He approves/disapproves the project” Naveena replied.
“Did he maintain those separately? What type of projects are those projects?”
“I really don’t know whether he maintains the records or not. The type of projects which we did as internal projects are somewhat like our MRAC has lot of chemicals in R-Box. So for the people who are working, we designed a pill to increase the oxygen content of the blood. Before entering the R-Box, the oxygen content is substantially increased and they can work without any oxygen cylinders as these can act just like a battery backup” she gave an example for the internal project.
“Cool. Your internal projects itself are considered as a real project in the medical industry” he said and he switched on another terminal in Arjun’s cabin.
This terminal is not connecting to the access control database server but it seems like to be a standalone server. When it asked for a password he got the help from Francis. With some hours of try, finally they entered the Arjun’s terminal. He sent Francis out of the Arjun’s Cabin.
Surya and Naveena browsed through the Arjun’s terminal for getting any other information. Apart from other information, they finally opened one file which has all the internal projects information.
The lists of projects logged are shocking and mind boggling for both Naveena and Surya. She is not even aware of such projects that are existed in MRAC. The list also had got all the projects that Surya wanted to know about.
It has the projects like
# Making the man falling into TRANCE within 5 minutes
# Hypnotism within a minute
# Forced aversion within a minutes
# Hallucination within 2 minutes
# Unknown emotional disorder
# All the sensual, emotional and the mind related projects which you name it, they had in MRAC already.

So this makes Surya even more confusing about the motive behind these incidents. Someone must know about all the internal projects and try to make money out of it. But Arjun is the only one who got family outside and he knows about the outer world. He is also killed. Then there are two possibilities.
a) Someone is a working partner with Arjun and he/she will be getting the full profit/share now after killing him. If he is getting the full share what he/she is going to do if he had no descendants.
b) Someone other than Arjun has a family in the other world and the old lay man’s to make patent rights for his family.

“What do you think officer?” Naveena asked him in a low voice. She seemed to be shocked on seeing the list of internal projects.
“I don’t think any other motive other than patent rights or copyrights”
“What is the use of mere copyrights of patent rights making” she asked him innocently.
“It’s everything lady. If you get the patent rights and make it as a standard, then you will get the profit to generations till the patent is completely vanished or dropped. For example, when two computers are connected, they obviously connected through wired means. That wire made should follow some standard called IEEE so that the IEEE makers can made the benefit who ever the manufacturer is. Some amount of money will go them, if you start a manufacturing company following the standards. ISO is also another example. They made the standards for the organizations. The list goes on with wide areas. So in the pharmacy also, you can get a patent right for using these preposition ratios as one kind of medicine. To say in other words, there are ‘n’ numbers of medicines available for headache in the market. But the primary compound is patented to use for one person/company as all of them follow certain standard to make the medicines” he elaborated in detail to her.

They discussed about the other critical projects and Surya got all the information from her. They discussed till the night and they moved to their respective suites.
The next morning Surya decided to meet Lekha to get some information on Arun and GI. He went to her suite and picked her up. They went to the access control center and they picked up the project records of GI.
As usual Surya skimmed through all the projects that are currently going on, proposed and dropped by GI.
“So why did you choose me to help you in this investigation?” Lekha asked him.
“I guess you have been working with GI for quite a long time for all the merge projects before”, he replied.
“Yeah. That’s true” she blushed.
“So according to your knowledge, all the projects in the GI are being logged like the MRAC?” he started his interrogation.
“Yeah. As far as I know they log everything”
“What about the internal projects in GI. Is that being logged or it is just reported to Arun as you are doing with Arjun?” he continued.
“How did you know about all these projects?” she exclaimed.
“I asked Naveena yesterday”
“I don’t know about the GI but in MRAC Arjun maintains a copy for all the projects done separately”, she said what she had known.
“My goodness! She knows more about MRAC than Naveena” he said to himself and “How did you know Arjun’s record?” he asked her in a surprise.
“Arjun told me about the records one day. Why? Is anything wrong?” she was puzzled.
“Nothing like that. I hope you could have made my work easier. By the way do you know anything like this in GI?”
“I already said that I’ve no idea about Arun. He hardly discloses any matter outside GI researchers” she said in despair.
“Ok then. I’ll get the help from Francis to break the Arun’s personal records”
“Wait. I can help you to may best to breach you the GI terminals” she declared boldly.

“What? How do you know the security systems of GI?” he asked in confusion.
“I worked also as a security Agent for GI for quite a long period. In fact some of the existing security systems are designed by me in GI. They are also not aware of this fact” she said proudly.
“Cool. Let’s breach the GI security systems and have a peek into the Arun’s terminal” he said and they moved from access control center to GI.

In a minute of time Lekha breached the security time and both of them entered the Arun’s cabin. They switched on two or three terminals without know which one is his personal terminal.
Lekha cracked all the three terminal passwords and finally they identified the right one having Arun’s personal records.
They skimmed through all the projects which are made as internal projects and some of the off record projects are also logged.
These projects are also sensual projects to both of them. The project listed covers various areas where a normal person can’t even imagine to think.
The various lists include
# Design chip resembles like RBC (Project X)
# Timed control of medicinal fluid serum chips (PRJ X Extn)
# Secured access control from blood serum. – They gave the access card in the form of blood serum so that the employee can walk in the secured area directly just like swiping the access card.
# Modulation chips in the respective control areas- Some of the voice modulation and others are designed and they operated in the throat or respective regions for the desired output. This project doesn’t need any operation as they inject the designed chip particularly in the desired area and they act like they have been placed as a result of operation.
# Just like this, there are other projects where Surya named it, they had designed at least to a similar match.

So Arun is the one who can made use of the Project X with some other medical research project to carry over these tasks. But why? And How? There are so many questions that revolved around his head. They left the GI without creating suspicion to anybody. No one will know that they breached and left the GI security systems.
He didn’t come to a decision for a single suspect and a single motive. He suspected everyone.
Ø Naveena is the only one who knows about the outer world now in the X-City. She may have a family in the outer world and tried to move out.
Ø Lekha knows the nook and corner of the X-City and she even breached the security systems. She knows about the off records projects also. She may have a family in the outside world and wants to settle down.
Ø Arun never disclosed anything to the X-City itself. There is also a high possibility of having a family for him.

He is not sure about the ladies. But he needs to be checked with Arun. His reserved nature makes him more suspicious. The next morning he decided to meet him personally and interrogate him in his own style.
The morning begins with the intercom beep in Surya’s suite. He picked up the receiver and freezes with shock.

“Officer. This is Naveena. Arun is found dead in the premises of MRAC. His body is totally collapsed. We had a high suspicion that he consumed our latest medicinal research. We will proceed on your approval”

Murder Mystery - Salve Regimen-3

Vijay is a professional rock climber to say in precise. He always used to climb up the peaks on the other side of MRAC whenever he needs some diversion. He will clinch the slippery rocks with his own hands. Some of the researches are having the photographs of Vijay with an outstanding pose of clinching the top of the rocks with his two or three fingers alone. His fingers have got that much power to balance his own body.
All the top research crews of MRAC were held in a thrill that within two consecutive days Lekha’s team of top researchers are no more. Arjun is in a highly confused state what next needs to be done. He called up the Mumbai CID department and spoke to Surya. Naveena thinks that he might be bringing him into this picture for further investigation. One thing was not clear with her as why did the CRS will bring an external agent to work on this? Why can’t our security team able to handle this?
Again Lekha and Naveena are engaged in getting the access reports of Vijay from the control center. With the help of Francis, the access reports of the Vijay are produced in the conference hall of MRAC on Arjun’s demand.
All the three of them sat in the room and analyzed the access reports of Vijay. As usual they focused on the last ten records.
Time Accessed
9:57 pm Television Channel 45
9:59 pm Television channel 89
10:03 pm Refrigerator
10:05 pm Rest room
10:07 pm Phone
10:15 pm Television channel 23
11:38 pm Bed Room 1
05:33 am Living Room
05:37 am Refrigerator
06:14 am Front Door -Main

All the accessories or things that can be accessed via remote control or being secured are having logging facility in the control server. He left the suite in the early morning for his rock climbing. As there is nothing logging devices in the way, no logs can be found for Vijay after he left the suite.
“There is something wrong going on in MRAC. Some thing is affecting the researches I guess. Might be there is an infection or after effect or consequences of our current research that affects the scientists. But I need to tell you one thing, it may even affect any one or all of us here in the near future” Arjun said to the ladies.
“Sir. If it’s a side effect of our research then why my team members are alone had the effect? It should have spread across the MRAC or all over the X-City” Lekha made her point in the hall.
“May be it will affect the researchers of the R-Box alone” Naveena made her opinion too.
“What ever it may be, I need to do these following items as your action points.
a) Make sure that R-Box doesn’t have any leakage
b) With the help of Francis make sure the R-Box is secured till now and there are no security breaches.
c) Check all the scientists who are all working in R-Box with you as a top priority check followed by the rest in MRAC and you both have to give me the assurance that they doesn’t have any other foreign particles even its of MRAC.
Ensure all the items are to be covered with a couple of days” Arjun asked the ladies in the hall.
“Yes Sir. We will do that” Lekha replied quickly.
“Good. One person named Surya will be soon coming down to X-City for proper investigation over these incidents”, he added.
“If you don’t mind may I ask you a doubt? What is the necessary for a non member of X-City comes into picture?” Naveena asked him finally.
“I always prefer to hear a third person’s opinion. I don’t want to always go with our security views. Is there any thing else?” he stood up finally as if he is about to leave.
“No Sir”, said the ladies and they left the conference room.

The rest of the day ended up with lots of leakage checks, security breaches check and the regular body checkup. No one other than the R-Box researchers was aware of the reason behind these checks. Arjun strictly mentioned the ladies as not to create panic in the X-City. They followed what the CRS mentioned to do so. These checks are carried out on the following day also till the evening.
The evening has begun and the sun is about to set between the two peaks. A helicopter is approaching the X-City helipad. Some of the researches in the city are surprised to see a strange flying object over their city. They didn’t see any other helicopters other than X-City helicopters. They are usually used to pick the top military people from the pickup point. And they didn’t even heard of any other flying object’s noise as this is suppose to be a secured area and no air planes are allowed to fly over these areas. If any such plane breaks the rule, there is an automatic security system that triggers the missiles to break down the planes of any kind. They called the air space as that in the Bermuda Triangle. Any object that enters the area will not come back. If the top generals made a visit, the X-City security persons manually shut the security systems for a while to make way to the people.
This means that the security is shut down now. The helicopter landed in the helipad. Naveena and Lekha are watching this scene and they are not able figure it out who is coming till MRAC. As the helipad is in the plateau region (down the MRAC) they could see only the helicopter wings.
With sun in between the two peaks, and the helicopter wings revolving slowly, a man is walking quickly towards the MRAC wearing a long suit and one light black goggle adding to his personality.
Naveena guessed he should be Surya. He is in average height touching 6 feet, slim and brownish in the late 20’s. His long suit perfectly fits well especially when it wobbles around the hot air and seeing it in its flames. Surya is working with CID for the past three years. Before that he served multiple roles starting from youngest spy in the nation, Assistant to ambassador, chief operational General for the Para-military forces. His multiplicity in services brings him a lot of contacts across nations and that’s how he was appointed as a CID Chief General for SPACRA. SPACA stands for South Pacific Asian Countries Research Association which helps the research facilities across the Asian pacific countries.
Lekha is freeze to see such a handsome guy in the MRAC. She liked his hair enjoying the evening see breeze from Indian Ocean. Arjun joined the ladies to welcome Surya.
In the night, all the four Arjun, Surya, Naveena and Lekha joined in a conference hall and they discussed about the several possibilities of the incidents that happened in this week. They showed the reports of Ravi and Vijay to Surya for further investigation.

After some minutes, Arjun started, “So what do you think about these incidents Surya?”
“Hmm. I can’t guess anything at this stage Arjun. But I can assure you that I can show you the progress within a couple of day’s time” Surya replied watching the reports.
“It’s okay. Take your own time. You can also take help from these ladies” Arjun pointed out the other girls.
“Thanks. I need to know about what kind of project is going on in this place. It may give me a clue to further investigation” Surya asked the ladies in general.
Arjun explained about the BMI control project and its merge with the Germanium Industries by the help of Arun and he described everything till the conference date. Arjun doesn’t believe his own ears as these types of projects existing in this world.
When Arjun finishes everything, it’s nearly 9:00 pm. Arjun asked Surya to call him any time for his help. Also he called Francis and asked him to give full access permissions to the X-City. Surya asked for one to one investigation talks with everyone. Arjun approved for the same including him. “Who is the one who interacted more with Germanium Industries for this merge Project?” Surya asked Arjun before leaving. Arjun replied “Lekha knows more about the Industry than any one else?” and also left the conference room.
At this stage Surya’s only wild guess may be in the patent making. Usually these are very rare and uncommon projects that prevail in the world. So the authorities tried to get the patent for him for these types of projects to get the huge profit. But he didn’t want to further only in that way.
“I need to talk to both of you ladies. This is an informal talk and I want a promise from both of you that even your chief didn’t know about this talk” Surya said to the girls.
“Yeah we promise. What information do you want?” Lekha acted smart.
“Cool. You got the point. All I need is some more information on all of the top generals in this city” Surya continued.
“When I see these reports of the two incidents, it seems that something strange should been happened to the both…….”
“Ravi”, Naveena filled up
“And Vijay”, Lekha filled her part.
“Yeah. I guess some thing is injected on both of them. But I can’t guess where. But this should be for sure if I know if anything that can injected as a medicine can be controlled from outside?”, he placed the report and showing the comparison to the ladies.
“What sort of medicine that you want to control from outside? The only such project is about to begin” Naveena asked him.
“May be similar to the body control medicine that can be controlled by a sort of remote control” Surya stammered as he didn’t get the words to describe.
“Hold on. Your imagination is too high. Both are mutually exclusive. You can’t control a medicine through a remote control. The present project of merging is just act like a one way switch. It keeps on emits the medicine to reduce or to increase the body weight. But it is a timed fashion as you imagine” Naveena described the medicinal facts.
“If a medicine is emitted / ejected based on an input, why can’t it be a timed fashion?” Surya asked the ladies.
“May be. But it’s not into existence till now. I know some of the secret projects of Germanium Industries. They never had any such projects even in the pipelines” Lekha made her point with confirm.

Surya wanted to ask the ladies, “If a lay man can think about the timed fashion of chips to control, why a scientist can’t do and that to for such a long period?” But he didn’t ask them. He wanted to deal with this personally.
“So if your medicine is injected, then can’t it be traced in a dead body?”
“Not fully. But we can detect up to some extent. What’s your doubt now?” Lekha asked.
“Did you check and find any traces for the new medicine in the dead body?” Surya continued.
“That’s what she already said. We can’t assure that our medicine is injected in there bodies. See this medicine is directly affecting the calories, fats and proteins. Those can be reduced by ‘n’ number of ways, lets say by exercise also, a natural method. But this medicine is only advancement where in it applied directly and it gives the results quickly. Only the consumption can be detected, just like the alcohol consumption to take it as an example” Naveena educated Surya about their new project.
“I guess the alcohol consumption can also be found in the blood as traces, if I’m not wrong” Surya came across one investigation case a long back in his career.
My God he is genius, Lekha thought. “She didn’t finished officer. We can find the traces of our project until the medicine is acting as inducers. Say the alcohol stops to induce the brain if the person is dead. So the remnants can be easily detected. But in out case, it is acting on the flesh. So the body may be contacted or expanded after death, if some medicine is left in the blood” Lekha continued the discussion.
“Good catch. So did you find any weight difference in the dead bodies?” Surya finally came to the point.
“No. It is exactly the same weight as mentioned in out records. Of course we neglect the mass change of the person after death. Both the persons are with the same weight after they died” Naveena responded swiftly.

“I need you personal time on your suites for me regarding this case. I hope you can share with me without any difficulty?” Surya asked the ladies.
“I can. But don’t come in the midnights after 11:00. I always want to sleep tight” Lekha responded.
“Any time is okay for me” Naveena continued.
“Good. Then thanks for your valuable time and inputs tonight” Surya said and all the three left the room.

Surya is busy with collecting the information on structure and security of the MRAC on the next day. He decided to have the personal talks rather than the group talks. So he decided to start with the Arjun first.
He talked like a friend rather than an officer. Arjun doesn’t seem to reveal much information to him. So he decided to ask any one of the ladies about MRAC and Arjun. He approached Francis to know the details.
“Francis. Could you please help me in telling me a secret? Who is close to Arjun in this city?” Surya asked.
“Naveena is the one who is always with him. To be precise, she is like his daughter. Why are you asking this to me?” Francis replied as if he is puzzled.
“No just like a gossip. Don’t tell to any one that I asked this. I’ll maintain that you never told anything to me other than security systems” Surya smiled on Francis. Francis also smiled back in acceptance of the deal.

Surya went to Naveena’s suite in the evening. They chat for more than hour about the Ravi’s behavior and his disappearance in the middle of the night.
“Guess I’m done with what I’ve known so far officer. How is your investigation progressing?” Naveena took a deep breadth after she told everything to him.
“Hmm. It’s going slowly. I still didn’t get the point or the motive behind all these incidents” Surya replied in an unwilling voice.
Surya is not able to believe ANYONE in the X-City at the present situation. So he decided not to disclose any of his ideas or motive to anyone.
“If you didn’t mistake me, shall I ask you a personal question?” Surya continued.
“Yeah Sure. My pleasure” said Naveena
“You and Lekha are just in the middle of 20’s. Don’t you have any sexual feeling? I’m not asking particularly you both. But to all the women and men in the X-City” he fixed his eyes on her eyes after asking this question.
“I understand why you have asked this question. I’ll make it in simple words. See, the sexual feeling arouses in a person is particularly based on a hormonal secretion and excretion or the hormonal changes in the body to say it in a high level. What we actually do is, when the people are in early 10’s and the teen age begins, everyone must undergo a treatment which is specialized for controlling or stopping the hormone to be secreted. So nobody will have the sexual arouse in this city. Is this clear to you?” she replied back.
There is no trace of hiding any sort of truth found in her. Surya confirmed this with her eye’s reaction.
“Yeah. It’s clear. So which means that there is no future generation for the scientists in the X-City?” he continued.
“Your question doesn’t make any sense. We only stopped the hormonal secretion so that the feeling is stopped. But if we mate than we can have children as in the case of outer world”
Surya remembers that only very few in the X-City are exposed to the outer world. That too, Arjun and Naveena are the only persons who came out of the X-City so far. So she must be aware of his culture, custom and other stuffs.

“So is there any children born in this X-City like this?” Surya asked to Naveena.
“Hmm. Not in the X-City” she replied.
The answer freaked him. Not in this city means is that some where else. Which means that some one from here had children in outside world? It’s is so confusing him. Arjun and Naveena are the only two persons who came to outside world. Arjun is running in late 50’s. Oh my God. His heart beats with acceleration.
“Not in the X-City. Which means that you had a baby in outside world?” he asked her without controlling the suspense and shock.

She smiled and looked around to make sure nobody will hear the secret. “I know that you will end up in this decision” she continued. “It’s not me who had a baby in the other world. It’s our Chief Arjun had a daughter and a family”
“What? Arjun had a family?” Surya was hit by a big blow after hearing this news. Something strikes him. Why always the people in the higher authority are bound to break the rule. This case seems to be simple for Surya.
This is nothing but a simple money raising plan for his family to generations if he gets the patent rights for distributing the medicine. Some how he managed to murder the top research scientists and he wants to run an individual business in the other world.
“How did you know that he had a daughter and family?” Surya asked her.
“He once told me that he had a family and daughter in the other world. But his daughter died when she was on 15. When I joined as a research scientist, some how I resembled like his daughter. So he cares me very much like his daughter” Naveena described to him.
“What about the rest of the family?” he didn’t let her stop.
“I don’t know about the rest. He only told me this much details” She didn’t seem to hide anything to Surya.

He assured her not to tell about Arjun’s family to any one and left her suite. This clearly brings the light to him why Arjun doesn’t reveal anything to him. He wanted to check with him in the next morning as early as possible. He didn’t get the sleep in the night. He is thinking about a lot of possibilities and the motives for the incidents. He is not able to stop and delimit with a single notion.
Early morning Surya’s intercom buzzed with continuous rings. He reached the phone in giddiness as he slept only in the early morning. With half sleep he picked up the receiver.

“Officer! This is Lekha reporting from Germanium Industries. Arjun is found dead at the main research lab. He is being hit by the lasers as a result of security breach”

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Murder Mystery - Salve Regimen-2

The meeting started at 10:00 am sharp. All the researches from MRAC and the Germanium industries put their argument about merging their projects. Everybody discussed about the effects, feasibility and dynamic property of the final project. After a prolonged discussion, the chief scientists of both the concerns are agreed to merge their innovations.
The evening headlines flashed the news about the body found in the space which is being hit by a space shuttle. Arjun saw the news on TV and called Naveena. Only those people, Lekha and Francis will have the access to see the happenings of the outside world. No other scientists will know about this death or any other incidents.

“Naveena. This is Arjun. Hope you might have seen the news on World TV” he called her and started the conversation.
“Yes sir. I’m really shocked on hearing this” she replied slowly.
“I wonder how people will go to the outside vacuum without having the proper flying kit” he coughed heavily when he said.
“Sir I had a message to pass it to you. Hope it’s not a happy note I guess” she said in a somber.
“What’s the matter? Is that related to our research?”
“No sir. I’m afraid it is about our researcher sir. One if our top researcher is missing since yesterday night from the X-City” she told to Arjun.
“What? What are you talking about? This is impossible. Who is that? Did you checked with the access control center with any information?
“He is Ravi, our Top researcher, reporting directly under Lekha. I checked with the access control center but it has no information to display regarding Ravi. I asked Francis to give me a detailed report on the yesterday’s records of Ravi. As soon as I get it, I’ll let you know about the status sir” she replied.
“Good. Make it fast and let me know. By the way, did you actually put word about this to Lekha?”
“Yes sir. She is aware of her missing team member sir. In fact both of us went together to the control center to check Ravi’s records”
“Oh is she with you now?” he exclaimed.
She is about to say that this is her swimming time but with utmost control she managed not to let the words out of her tongue.
“No sir. I left her on the MRAC itself. She may be there itself even now” she put her words with caution.
“Cool. Make sure about the missing information. I know the best friends can bring me the information soon” he placed the receiver back.

Lekha and Naveena were best friends before almost a year back. They grew up together in the X-City and they used to have the same kind of research interests also. After they are assigned to some top secret projects, Lekha proved her skills and talents with smart ideas and make it available within the deadlines. But Naveena is a care free type. She made friends with her team members and creates an atmosphere as if doesn’t look like they are working. All of the young researches will love to work with Naveena. Ravi is closer to Naveena than any other researchers.
But Lekha on the other side got some fame from Arjun. But when the research is not done properly, the MRAC can clearly hear Lekha’s voice yelling at her team members. Arjun tried to change her attitude and behavior many times but he failed every time. By the time when the Assistant chief Research person is required, every one in MRAC suggested and opted for Naveena and she is promoted as the same. This was the first blow for Lekha.
Ravi is the one who made Naveena as popular scientist. He always made propaganda for her. She tried to stop him but nothing worked out in a right way. The more she stops him, the more she becomes famous.
The second blow in Lekha’s life is that Ravi is assigned directly under her control by Arjun. Naveena will come to her research lab and she used to sit and talk in her lab with Ravi. This made Lekha so angry and one day she yelled both of them in front of all the other team members. From that time on Naveena and Lekha are not in proper terms and conditions.

Lekha got her smile back when Vijay joined her team. He is a smart as well as a hard researcher too. From the day he reports to Lekha, he is very fond of her looks. He openly admits his fond towards her in front of others in the Lab. She made Vijay as one of her top scientists very soon in par with Ravi. Of course Vijay deserves the position with his knowledge.
When Vijay and Ravi are peers and they are under the control of Lekha, it was suppose to be the real partitioning of the scientists. Both gather some group of other scientists to support their admirers. Arjun is not aware of all these internal bruises and conflicts.

Naveena’s intercom beeped disturbing her old thoughts. She checked and it was Francis on the other end.
“The yesterday reports are retrieved from archive Naveena. Can you come and collect with Lekha or shall I drop in any one of our houses?” Francis asked Naveena.
She peeped into Lekha’s suite (bungalow) and she is not there. Lekha doesn’t seem to be returned from her swimming. “Nope I can come and collect it now itself. I’m not sure about her” she slapped the receiver and headed towards the MRAC to get the files.

Naveena is now getting angry on Lekha for her leisure and lazy move on her team mate’s disappearance. She wonders how she is behaving like this very cool and swimming in the beach when one scientist is missing. She wanted to teach her a proper lesson. She has to make her feel for the missing of the loved ones in one’s life. She stopped suddenly and asked herself “Why are you thinking like this? At times you sound like her. Just stop thinking like this and mind your work.”
“Can I have the reports Francis?” she asked Francis on entering the Francis cabin.
“Yeah sure. Here it is. You are prompt now a days. Where is she?” he placed a number of sheets looks like a print out of the access records.
“Thanks. I don’t know. I didn’t checked her” she said looking at the print outs.

“If you don’t mind can I have a look?” Lekha joined from swimming.
She showed the pile of papers. They both examined what are all the places where Ravi made a visit yesterday.
“Francis. He returned to his suite @ 7:00 pm yesterday. Is here any records maintained for the X-City” Lekha asked Francis.
“Yes. But Just now I connected to the X-City access. I already told this to your friend” he referred Naveena.
“Just now only he told”, Naveena replied quickly without making any scene at this present situation.

After some minutes, the X-City access returned some number of records for Ravi on yesterday’s date. Francis took a print out and placed on his table.
“You take this. I’ll sit with Francis and check it in the system itself” Naveena told to Lekha and they both exchanged a fake smile.
They can clearly see what are the house hold items accessed by Ravi yesterday and what are the rooms he wandered in the night.
They looked for the last ten records.
Time Accessed
9:57 pm Television Channel 64
9:59 pm Television channel 32
10:03 pm Refrigerator
10:05 pm Rest room
10:07 pm Phone
10:15 pm Television channel 23
10:27 pm Bed Room 1
10:33 pm Living Room
10:36 pm Phone
10:37 pm Terrace Door

Both Naveena and Lekha stood in a shock. From the top of the suite he never returned. This means the body found in the space must be Ravi’s body. They are standing in confusion why he had gone to the terrace in the night and how he gone up in the sky? They decided to let this information to be passed to the CRS as early as possible. Naveena picked up the receiver and started to dial the Arjun’s intercom number.

“Sir this is Naveena calling from MRAC control access center. We got the access reports of Ravi. It seems that he disappeared in air in the night. I’m afraid that the body hit the space shuttle may be Ravi’s body” she called and said to Arjun.
“Okay. Get me the reports to my suites. Where is the body now?” Arjun asked.
“I guess it’s still pending with CID to proceed further”
“Hmm. You do one thing. Make a call to Mumbai CID department and speak to a gentle man named Surya. Ask him to send the body to us. In the mean while I’ll try to change the news in the TV with some cook up stories” Arjun replied to Naveena.
“Yes sir. I’ll do that immediately. Sir if you don’t mind is Surya been aware of MRAC. If yes, what shall we want to tell him to send the body here?” Naveena asked in confusion.
“He is aware of this research facility. Tell him that we need to test and confirm the body by doing the DNA test. Also bring Lekha with you when you drop in here after you made the call” he is about to place the receiver back.
“I’ll do the needful sir. She is here with me now. I’ll bring her down” she replied and both placed the receiver back.

“What are we suppose to do?” Lekha asked Naveena.
“We need to call to Mumbai CID and CRS wants to get the body back. After we are done with the call, we have go and meet CRS in his suite” she started calling to the Mumbai CID department.

“Hello this is CID department. How can I help you” the reception-a-list answered.
“Hi there. I need to talk to Mr.Surya” Naveena replied back.
“Madam he doesn’t take calls from outsiders. Shall I connect to any other officials?” the reception-a-list questioned back.
“Please listen. You have to do this. I’m calling on behalf of a higher authority who rules the nation. He needs to talk to Surya very urgently and I’ll not let any other person to disclose our official matters. Now will you do the needful?” she didn’t know whether she is doing the right thing or not.
“Please wait madam. I’ll put you in a minute” the lady replied.
After few seconds, a male voice with firm gesture replied “hello this is Surya”
“Good Evening Sir. Before I commence, I want to make sure whether this line is safe or not. I’m calling from a top secret base” Naveena replied.
“Hmm. Better you call to our dedicated line. I’ll give you the number” he gave her one number for the dedicated line.
She dialed and said “Sorry to disturb at your leaving time”
“It’s okay. I’ll be here till 10:00 pm. Please tell me what the matter is?”
“I’m calling from MRAC research facility and I’m calling on behalf of Arjun, our chief research scientist. We need the body that hit the space shuttle today morning for our DNA tests” she stopped at this and not sure whether she needs to proceed or not.
The word MRAC strikes Surya a strange feeling. He heard and seen only few photographs about the facility from his higher official but for the first time he got a call from MRAC.
He asked some regular or rather typical investigation types of questions to Naveena.
“Why do you want the body back?”
“I said we need to do a DNA testing on his body” she replied.
“Okay why do you want to the testing? Do you know how the body reached the space?” he asked again.
“I’m not sure about anything Mr.Surya. My chief Arjun wants us to call you especially and he need the body back. This is what I know. We can’t disclose any other research news to the outside world. May be you can turn on the TV and watch the headlines before you make a decision” she said suddenly as she remembered the CRS mention about the news.

Surya turned on the TV and watched the news headlines. It stated with a current news headlines about the body found in the space. A news reader reads the news with some space diagram on his back. “Today morning, the space research shuttle hit with a human body in the space where the humans are not even imagined to enter without any proper protection. The news from the ISRO and other military operations confirm that the body reached the space by means of another space shuttle which returned to is base three days back. From that day, one of the astronauts named Kishore is failed to report to the base. The reports said that he had misused the space vehicles to fly and entered the space for his own exploration. The doctors in the base confirmed that he is suffering from a psychic trauma for the past one year. The space shuttle is also missing from yesterday midnight. They are now in search of the missing space shuttle. We’ll be back after a short commercial break for the news at 9:00”

“So you need to confirm the body is Kishore’s?” Surya asked Naveena after hearing the news.
“Sort of” was the reply.
Surya gave the permission to send the body to MRAC as suggested by Naveena. They hang up after Naveena uttered thanks to Surya.

After Naveena made her call to the CID department, Lekha joined her and both of them went to meet Arjun with the access reports of Ravi.
When they entered Arjun’s suit, he said “Welcome Ladies. Though is not a happy moment to share, but make yourself comfortable. The DNA results matched with Ravi’s DNA”
“How did you know that and where did you get the DNA from the body?” Lekha asked in surprise.
“The ISRO transmitted the DNA test details” he replied casually.
“How did you change the news on TV? And is really Kishore an existing person? And also about the missing space shuttle” Naveena asked Arjun.
“It’s an old lay man method/trick. Astronauts who lost their lives in the space can be disclosed like this news. It’s a top level secret. He died almost a month back. So we grab the opportunity to use his name this time. And a part of the shuttle (which can fly on its own) seems to be missing during the return. So we clubbed both the incidents to cook up a new story” he said without seeing the reactions of the ladies.
Naveena is surprised on hearing this. This makes him as a chief as he has got lot of contacts, the authority and the power to change and control anything, anytime.

Lekha and Arjun sat down with the access reports of Ravi.
“So, did you find anything strange about Ravi yesterday?” he asked Lekha.
“No sir. He is perfectly normal as in any day” replied Lekha.
“Hmm. Quite interesting and confusing as well. Why did he go to the terrace at the night time? Do you have any idea ladies?” he asked both the girls.
Both replied as no.
Then Lekha and Arjun are occupied with usual conversation about Ravi’s disappearance in the middle of the night. Naveena wants to shift his concentration from the discussion but she didn’t do that. When Arjun at times saw her, she smiled back at him not knowing how to react in this situation.

“Leave the reports with me. Try to get some more information about Ravi if possible. It’s already half passed eleven. You ladies can take a leave now and we’ll meet you up in the MRAC” Arjun said to both the girls.
They left the suite and heading towards their respective suites. Naveena wants to ask Lekha about Ravi and his behavior for the past one week to get more information. But she is afraid to do so as everything is already asked by the CRS. Also Lekha may take it in a wrong sense for sneaking into her personal team member life. She remained silent during the return.

Both of them reached their suites as they are living side by side. It is Lekha who breaks the ice this time. “Bye Naveena. I’ll come to your suite tomorrow morning. We’ll try to gather any more news on Ravi”
“You are always welcome pal. It’s been a long time since you stepped into my suite” Naveena replied happily on hearing the words from Lekha.

That night Naveena didn’t get the sleep and always thinking on the Ravi’s disappearance. She wandered in her suite without having any intention. She peeked in Lekha’s suite as to find out what she is doing. She could see that Lekha is sleeping tight.

The day dawn and Lekha make her appearance in Naveena’s Suite after a long time. They are engaged in their old memories and they talked about the moments that they spent together. The intercom beeped and Naveena attended. She dropped the receiver after hearing.

“Vijay is found dead in the rocks, in the other side of the mountain” Naveena told to Lekha.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Murder Mystery - Salve Regimen


Ravi is having a strange feeling tonight. He felt like he is floating in the middle of the sky. He always had the dream of flying higher in the sky. But it never happened since he became a researcher. He hardly met the other people in the world other than his co-researches and the people in his research center. But today, other than his dreams, he could feel the altitude with his senses.
He felt like as if he is being lifted up slowly like a gas balloon. When he woke up, he saw himself on top of the clouds. He felt it was his strange imagination but he can see than he is moving upwards. He is hard to believe that he is in the air.
He yelled and cried for help. But he uses his senses that no one hears or see that he is up on the clouds. He needs to think and act quickly as he is moving away from the atmosphere. If he crosses the atmosphere, he will be running out of oxygen. He is already begun to realize the less oxygen content in the atmosphere now. But he is running out of ideas. He is not sure about what next to be done to save his life.
By this time he crossed the atmosphere and he is deprived of oxygen for his life. His breath becomes hard and he is suffocated to death in the space.

Salve Regimen:

Lekha finished her morning swim in the shallow blue sea and returning to the shore. There are no tides in the shore as the sea is a shallow one. The ripples caressed her ethnic wears that she wore for swimming. She enjoyed and giggles as the ripples touching her nipples. She is a professional swimmer too. She can swim for kilometers in the sea to the place where the high tides start. All the people in the MRAC love to watch Lekha swimming in the morning and the evening.
The Medical Research and Approval Consortium (MRAC), is situated on the top of the highest peak in the Western Ghats. This is a medical research center for non one in the world is to be aware of. Top secret medical research operations and testing are carried out in this place. This place is somewhat equivalent to Area 51 of the military operations. Even some of the higher officials in the military are not aware of this place. It is directly under the control of the president with his own personals to look around.
This place is reached only by the Indian Military and Navy top generals. The people in MRAC hardly take solid food as they are the super genius in the Medical Research. Instead they take the pills as the astronauts do. They survive by having the pills.
They have the medicine for any kind of disease. They have the cure for the non-curable diseases in the world but they are not releasing it into the market before the complete testing is done. They have a cure for AIDS also but they are not releasing it to the market or to the people considering the side effects or after effects of the pills after consumption in the near future. So they will wait to a certain period of time as they are testing manually by injecting them into animals.
The awareness of such a place existence to the world will increase the disease rate as well as they will be arrested for harassing the animals for the testing purposes.

“Hi Lekha. Francis tried to reach you a couple of times and he had left a message for you” the reception list told to Lekha. Francis is the chief security officer in MRAC.
Lekha dropped in to Francis’s cabin room. ”Hi Francis. Hope you are looking for me.”
“Everybody here is looking for you Lekha, especially when you swim around “replied Francis sarcastically.
“What’s the matter to sneak in my cabin?” she asked without bothering his sarcasm.
“I’ve made necessary modifications in the main security access of the R-Box. You can drop in to this cabin when you find fault one more time”

R-Box is the main research area or hall. Only the research persons and the chief scientist are allowed to walk in to the R-Box.
Lekha is the head of the research team. Unlike other security systems, the R-Box security system is a peculiar and unique one. It is built with DNA match algorithm. So only the persons who have given their DNA will be allowed to enter. The central control unit is inside the R-Box. So no one can breach the R-Box to fake the DNA contents and as the control unit inside only the authorized persons are allowed to provide access to any new researcher.
Previously, any one can provide new DNA access to the R-Box. But Lekha wants to be on the other way. So with the help of Francis, she modified the design pattern of the security system.

“Thanks Francis. I’ll let you know if any. Is everybody arrived?” Lekha replied to Francis.
“Hmm..Not all of us. Our CRS hasn’t dropped in yet”

They refer their Chief Research Scientist as CRS. This place is a built in city called X-City. It has everything inside the city. From the power generation to the agriculture, everything is built in the plateau region of the hills. It has specially designed lines for the transport of the fuel. Each research scientist will have a bungalow near by the research center. Some of the researches in the lower level will not be aware that there exists an outside world which is full of fun, frolic and laughter. All the researches are brought to this X-City at an age of 2-3 itself and they are bring up the child to do research only. The child will know nothing other than research. They didn’t have any chance to look for the outside world to see how other people are living. To brief, all the people think that this is the whole world and the people have their life style as they are living right now. Not every child is brought to this research X-City. Only the child who has a different brain structure and having an abnormal field which are suited for research purposes are brought in. That will be taken care by the chief Scientist and his assistant.

Lekha checked with the seminar hall for everyone’s presence. She noted some of his team members and others seated in the hall. She has two research scientists directly under her control. She is not much aware of the rest of her team
Today is supposed to be the most important day for all the researches in the X-City. There is a meeting scheduled for all the chief researches in the X-City across various research technologies to have a plan to merge. To start with, the first proposal is the merge of the medical and chip designing techniques.
In the seminar hall, the research scientists from the medical field and the chip designing field are assembled to have a proposal and a plan to merge both the fields for one operation.
The current researches which are currently carried out in both the fields are mind boggling projects. The medical research is carried in MRAC and the chip designing is carried in another consortium called Germanium Industries which is located in the same X-City in the opposite plateau of the MRAC plateau.

The MRAC is working on a project which controls the BMI (Body Mass Index) so that the humans can control or adjust their weight according to the atmosphere. This is basically and extension of the calorie control capsules developed by them almost three decades back. This research is mainly targeted for the astronauts as they will be relieved by being carried with large amount of weight when they travel in space. Also the reverse methodology can be used by the divers to get buoyancy when they explore the aquatic life in strong currents.
The Germanium Industries is working in a project called Serum Chip Design. Unlike ordinary micro level chip design in the wafer, these are the specialized chips which are injected into the blood Serum. So instead of making the desired part to be controllable, they make the whole body as a controllable target. They actually succeeded in making the individual parts of the body to be under their control almost a decade back. But this is just an extension of the above project.
Today, they are going to merge both the projects such that a chip is injected into the serum so that people can control their weight in the run time. They can increase and decrease their own body weight depending upon where they are going and how to handle in that situation. For instance, if a diver is caught up in a strong water current in deep sea, first he has to increase his body weight so that he will not be carried away with the current. After settling down the current stream of moved out of the current stream, he has to immediately reduce the weight to get the buoyancy. If he is not able to swim in the under water he has to further decrease his weight, in order to float in the water.
This is the proposal made some months back. All the researches are done with the testing. So they decided to meet and discuss about the pros and corns of the merged project.

MRAC is headed by a Chief Scientist named Arjun. He got some helps from his assistant, Naveena. Germanium Industries is headed by a Chief Scientist called Arun. All the three reached the seminar hall to attend the meeting.

“Is every one from our team is present”, Naveena asked to Lekha.
“Hmm. Hope Ravi is missing. I tried to call him quite a lot of times. But he didn’t’ answer my phone” Lekha said in a disguise.
Even though Naveena is elder than Lekha, she is promoted as the Assistant Chief Secretary for MRAC. Lekha has got quite a lot of experiences and projects that she worked on. What she is lagging is the self control and temperament. That is why she is not promoted. From that time Lekha is having the cold war with Naveena. But she didn’t show up in front of others especially in front of CRS. Naveena consoled Lekha a number of times but each time it ended up in vain.

Vijay is also a core research scientist working directly under the control of Lekha. “Vijay, by any chance did you happen to see Ravi today?” Naveena asked him without minding Lekha.
“Nope. I got up late today morning and I came directly her to the seminar hall. Neither had I checked his house not his cabin. Do you want me to check one more time?” he replied to Naveena. But his eyes are always fixed on Lekha when she is around. For this particular reason, any sanction or approval of research made easy for Vijay. But Ravi is fond of Naveena. Both the girls are of two different types and characters. Some of them like Naveena and some like Lekha. Sometimes there may be a quarrel or fight between both the fan club members.
“No Problem doc. I’ll check it out” Naveena went in search of Ravi in his cabin replying to Vijay.
They call the research scientist as doc which is a short form of doctor. She checked in the cabin and there is also no note left. Usually, Ravi will leave a note if he is not around. Naveena wonders about this situation and this looks strange. But she has to prepare for some other arrangements for the meeting also. So she is not much cared about the present situation. She thought that he will be coming late today.

By the time meeting is about commence, Ravi’s body hit one of the space shuttle in the space. The astronauts in the space shuttle are freeze to death on seeing a dead body, that too in a collapsed state. The body is totally collapsed and it is in a state that it is not clear whether it is a human body or not.

For my Atheist Mind

My atheist mind questions me at times why god created such a messy, unorganized and abnormal society and human beings. These are some that I tried to answer my mind.

Ø God never said to humans that I’ve done these many miracles; I’ve cured these many peoples; I’ve turned these may people to this level and all the other nonsense stuffs. It is only the humans who made their propaganda to the others to believe in their own GODS.
Ø God never told to the people that if you did these things you will be blessed else you will be cursed. It’s only the men who made to believe in these concepts.
Ø God never told to people that if you are kind and helpful, you will get heaven else you will go to hell after your death. I guess many people realized or begin to think that there is no heaven and hell concept. These are only the concepts of mind.
Ø God never created a society or a culture to follow, for the people to live in this world. It’s only the men who created this, for his own convenience.
Ø God never created this power, status and Money. It’s only a result of the society and the culture that was made by the men as before.
Ø If some body is physically or mentally handicapped means, that it is not the God’s mistake. It’s only the civilization out growth. If God is not partial then why HE makes these many people to suffer?? Still an unanswered question.
Ø If theist believe and argue that God will send messengers and messiah to promote his views, I’ll ask them why God didn’t come down on his own, to the world that he created, to define the rules to live in this world. If God, our father don’t care His own kids then who will take care of us?
Ø If all the religious scripts and books are written by God or based on God’s preaching or on God’s life narrations, why there are so many versions? It means that those scripts are not related to God by any means. It is only the humans that developed those scripts.
Ø Is God, an unreachable component by the normal people? Then why there are only very few people who has reached the state of divinity? Thinking about the hit ratio not even a 10,000:1; it’s only a person in lakhs.
Ø According to modern theology, God is not a super natural being as we have considered so for or to our religious thoughts. It’s a state of our own being that we have to attain. May be its true. I haven’t tried to attain that state. So no comments.
Ø If karma affects the human beings in their life, they why is it affecting to a large number of people and not a few. Does that mean that all the people are not doing their right karma? If so then why doesn’t God stop us all and lead us in the right direction.
This means that we are going in a wrong direction as in the name of God.
a) Some say humans are the blessed ones in all the animal creation.
b) Some say that the cursed humans are born as animals other than humans.
c) I feel that the animal ratio is relatively decreasing and the human ratio is relatively increasing exponentially. Does that mean that humans are doing good karma so that the animal population is decreasing?
Don’t you feel the discrepancy between the two sentences? So I feel that this concept of Karma is also a human developed one.

No one knows where we go after we die. In fact no one returned from death and explained to the people whey they have gone. I never believed in the Near Death Experience stories and talks. Since most of the time, it’s only their sub conscious mind that functions when one person in a coma. So either it may watch the present situation or it may assume/imagine/dream its own philosophy. So the person wake up from coma and it they remember something, they happens to believe and express what their subconscious mind functions at that time.

God is a mysterious and unknown component for all the worldly people so far. What we believe as truth is not the truth and practically speaking there is nothing called Truth. Everything simply exists. What we need to inculcate is the acceptance of the existence.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Love Story-Made For Each Other- 4

As there is a modern saying that, “When we threw a stone in the streets of Bangalore either it may hit a dog or a software engineer”, Surya is working in the Bangalore for the past 4 months.
His room mates managed to arrange for a trip to see Surya and to hang around the places in and around Bangalore before two months back.
The relationship with Veena is going as usual with all the morning and night messages. The office internal messenger creates a virtual illusion of working in the same campus.
Surya wanted to come to Chennai to stay in his previous home and of course to see Veena also, but he didn’t find time to drop in Chennai.
At times Surya may think that Veena will have the same feeling as his or she is just talking to me as a good friend? Since the relationships like this in the corporate offices are general, he can’t take this as a love. But he is not even ready to propose either as he is afraid of the result or the outcome.
He is waiting for one day to tell the truth and to show her how much he cares and loves for her. But he is not sure about that day will come in his life.

Things are not going to be the same all the time. After some weeks, a morning message beeped Surya’s mobile with strange note. “Good Morning Surya. I have an important message to share it with you. Buzz me in the office messenger once you are in. Don’t forget and don’t delay”
Surya had the got the morning messages with the word importance quite often already. Those are related to the project delivery stuffs, her appreciations, appraisals, etc. But unlike this message, it is not having any urgency. He wondered that she may get an appreciation award or the other possibility is that she may be coming down here. He quickly dressed up and entered the office. Today is Thursday.
He opened his messenger in his system and buzzed Veena to indicate his arrival. There is no reply from her end. So he decided to prepare for his Thursday teleconference @ 10:00.
When he come back and unlocked the screen, he saw a message list from Veena.

Naveena A C Says: Hi dumbo. The bus came late today.
Naveena A C Says: I’m sorry for that..
Naveena A C Says: Hey R U there?
Naveena A C Says: Buzz me again when you are back to the seat.
Naveena A C Says: The message is really important.

He looked over his watch as he got only 10 minutes for his teleconference.

Surya Sebastian Says: Hey Veena. Wats up?
Surya Sebastian Says: I’ve got only 10 min to go to telecon.
Naveena A C Says: At last U R back..?
Naveena A C Says: Where did you gone now?
Surya Sebastian Says: Make it fast loosu. What is that important message?
Naveena A C Says: Yeah I’m coming to that. Any guess?
Surya Sebastian Says: Guesses!! May be you got appreciation award
Naveena A C Says: No da. I can give you a clue to make guess. It’s no way related to my project.
Naveena A C Says: To be precise, it’s my personal matter.
Surya Sebastian Says: Personal matter. Oh Great you are coming down here? When?
Surya Sebastian Says: Look I’ve to go now. Catch you after my telecon gets over.
Naveena A C Says: No da. I’m not coming anywhere.
Naveena A C Says: Hey wait. I’ll tell you and then you carry on with your work.

By this time Surya locked the system and he is heading towards the meeting room. The telecon ended for more than 1 hour and 45 minutes. This is not as Surya expected. So they decided to go for a break after the telecon is over. By the time Surya back to his seat, it is almost more than 2 hours he left Veena with that message. He is not sure about Veena to be free now as she is busy in the mornings.
He unlocked the system and he could see a messenger message window popped up in the screen. It is from Veena. She replied to him after he locked the machine before going to telecon.

After seeing the screen, Surya almost freezes to death. He can’t see or hear anything for some minutes after seeing the screen.

Naveena A C Says: You can’t wait even one more minute for hearing this?
Naveena A C Says: Any way I’ll tell you the message.
Naveena A C Says: I really don’t know when my parents started to looking for my alliance.
Naveena A C Says: But yesterday after we spoke to each other, my parents called me.
Naveena A C Says: They said that one of the alliances is matching me perfectly.
Naveena A C Says: They wanted to meet me this week end (Saturday) as he is in Chennai only
this week end.
Naveena A C Says: I don’t know what to say to my parents.
Naveena A C Says: My parents are coming to Chennai tomorrow night.
Naveena A C Says: Hopefully they made me to meet the guy on this Saturday.
Naveena A C Says: Reply me when you are back from the telecon.
Naveena A C Says: R U there?
Naveena A C Says: Didn’t you back from telecon?
Naveena A C Says: R U in your seat
Naveena A C Says: Why are not replying me?

Surya doesn’t know what to do next. He is not replying to her messages yet. He wanted to tell his love now itself but he is not doing anything. His mind asks him a lot of questions and he simply sits in the office chair like a corpse.
After some time, Surya’s monitor flashed with a message from Veena.

Naveena A C Says: Is your telecon taking this much time
Naveena A C Says: I tried to call you many times but your mobile is switched off.
Naveena A C Says: I know you usually switch off your mobile in telecon.
Naveena A C Says: Please respond something da

He was about to type something but he closed the message box and as usual did nothing. He looked at his mobile phone and decided not to switch it on.

After lunch she buzzed him with messages like
Naveena A C Says: Y R U not replying back?
Naveena A C Says: Turn on your mobile phone.

For two or three times she messaged him and that too stopped. Even now, he is sitting like a rock in his chair with no emotions and with no senses.
In the evening, she sent a note (mail) to Surya.
“I don’t know why you are not replying to my messages and even switch on the mobile phone. I think you may be angry on me for not telling you about this in advance. I’ll promise you that, yesterday only I came to know about the alliance matter. Once my parents told about my marriage proposals and I didn’t took it seriously as they tell it sarcastically. I thought this will end up in a situation like this. I just want to convey this message to you. I know you may not believe me but this is the truth. Please call me as soon as possible and of course before anything happens”.

After reading this mail, he decided for a long time and then quickly shut down his system. He walked outside the office and he is moving fast.
The rest of the day and the whole Thursday ended up in a vain for both the Surya and for Naveena.
The both are waiting for a new dawn on Friday and Surya doesn’t switch on his mobile phone till now.

Friday begins with a new hope of life. Unlike other day in Chennai, it’s very cold and cloudy in the morning. There is some smoke in the roads not able to distinguish between the real fog and the smoke from the automobiles.
Veena is standing in the bus stop waiting for her office bus. The bus stop and the entire road are deserted today. Veena is not able to see anything on the road. And there are no other people are walking down the street.

A strange shadow appears on the opposite side of the road and it seems that it is approaching towards Veena. When the shadow approaches near her, the smoke slowly started to move around so that she could see a figure of man crossing the road.
When the man approaches towards her, it is none other than our Surya. To her surprise, he is not neatly dressed as one imagines her super hero comes out of the cloud in their dreams. He is wearing his night pants and a T-Shirt which is not washed for almost a week.
His hair is not properly combed and there are clear marks of the oil glands in his face.

She looked confused as, if he comes to see her from Bangalore, why he didn’t even washed his face? He is not changed his clothes too. Is he coming to see me directly after woke up from the bed. She pinched herself as to check if she is dreaming or not.
But one thing is for sure, in the dirty and the uncombed hair itself, Surya looked smart.

“Surya! Is it really you?” she started before he finished crossing the road.
“Yes Veena. I can explain this all in detail. Could you please do a favor for me now?” he replied.
“Yeah. Tell me da. But where did you gone yesterday?” she asked.
“I can explain all those stuff in detail. But what I want you to do now is, Just come with me and I’m going to take you to a place and I’ll explain there” he said calmly.
“But, where to? I’ve to catch the bus da. Don’t you remember?” she asked in confusion.
“Not far. If it’s going to be late for you I’ll drop you in the office. Don’t worry”, he assured.
“It means that you are going to stay this weekend. Interesting. How are we going and where?” she keep on asking questions.
Surya turned and headed towards the corner of the road and opened Vishal’s car. She is surprised to see the car and about the whole scene.
“Now don’t ask anything and make yourself comfortable. I can assure that I’ll tell you once we reached the place” he started the car and drive to the destination.

In the middle of the journey, Veena asked two or three times about the destination but Surya didn’t answer any time. All he said is to wait. At one point she lost her temper and control and asked him “We didn’t even asked each other how we are and how are we doing. We are seeing each other after almost a year after. Didn’t we even talk about this also?”
“We can have a leisure talk about this once I’m done in the place”, he said firmly.
He drove for almost half an hour and at last he parked the car in a narrow street.
She turned around and saw that they are in the Sathyam Cinema Complex.

“You took me all the way to Sathyam. What are we going to do in this theater now? There is no show in the morning at this time. If it had also I’ve to go to the office. Just tell me what you are doing now” she yelled.
“Please relax. Just five minutes and we will return. Mean while please stay there and I’ll be back in a minute” he pointed the front space of the hall for Veena to wait.
He rushed to the back side and he returned after two minutes with his hands folded back.

With his hands back, he approached Veena and said “See this looks crazy and confusing to you. But I have to use this moment now else I can’t do this to my entire life I guess. Please listen to what I say now.
The moment I saw you on the first day, I started admiring your simplicity. Unlike other girls, you are the most and only natural girl that I’ve met so far. But I don’t feel it’s a love because we don’t know each other. I felt a good companionship when we talked to each other. That feeling may be got in any other friendships. But the moment I saw you getting married to another guy, I feel like I missed you terribly. Now I feel like I can’t live without you. Psychologically this may be a parasitic sentence that I can’t live without you, but I’m happy to be a parasite if you are my host.
I consider you as that you are born especially for me. We are made for each other. We didn’t know each other even though both of our best friends are lovers. The reason being, we can’t talk easily to others. In this also we are having the same characters, reserved type and not outspoken.
It is you who made my days happier and brighter.
It is you who made my working environment comfortable.
It is you who made my night colorful.
It is you who made my life meaningful. – And finally
It is you who made me to speak like this openly despite of my nature
I’ve changed a lot. I need this relationship to be life long .I doesn’t know how I can express my love further .I admit that I love you, truly, heartily and boldly

He made his proposal to a girl for the first time in his life. He unfolded his hands and it has three different roses, a red, white and a yellow rose.
I can’t simply force you to make a decision. All I can tell you is that I believed I’m in love with you only when you tell me about your marriage. Even though it’s an instantaneous decision, I know it’s my strong decision. You can take any one of the roses for your choice.
Ø A red rose for my acceptance of my love
Ø A White for being a friend with me always
Ø A Yellow for breaking the relationship
Please pick a choice of yours and make a decision for your life as well as mine”
He breathed a deep sign for his relief.

She didn’t speak for a while. The both stood in silence for some time. Surya is holding the three roses and waiting for an answer from Veena.
After some time, she breaks the ice.
“I hope you already know the answer Surya. No girl will like to accept the white or yellow rose dumbo” she said smilingly.
Happily he dropped the white and yellow roses and he stretched his hands with the red rose towards Veena as if to take the rose from her.
“I didn’t finish my dear. But I’d like the white roses too. You choose a wrong color for friendship” she said sarcastically.
He thought for a moment and turned other side. She was wondering as what he is doing on the other side. She even thought that, he cut his hands and turned the white roses to red with his own blood, like the one in movies. She came near him to see what Surya is doing.
When she approaches he turned and he had only red rose. The white rose is not there. She raised her eyebrow asking where the white rose is.
“Now the white rose, friendship is within me. As you guessed, I ate the whole rose. I know this is cheating. Now will you accept my offer of love, my sweet heart?” he gave the rose to Veena.
“Sure honey. I would love to” she blushed and received the roses.

On the return journey, he said, this time I won’t let you to shed any more tears like I did it when we were on the bike”.
“You are really a numb. I was actually crying that day for missing you. I love you on that day itself. But it was you who didn’t understand. You looked in the rear view mirror and slowed down the bike. I can’t control my laugh when you did that on the day. But I want you to realize the love on your own. At last you find the D’day” she replied.
“What happened if I had not made it today?” he asked.
“I would have made it tonight” she said and both laughed together.
Today is actually the real GOOD FRIDAY in my life, he said to Veena.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Love Story-Made For Each Other -3

Back to the home from the first day of work in his new office, Surya doesn’t know what is going on here. He consider the whole day as a sweet dream in the night. Before the dinner, all of his room mates joined the story and heard till the evening. He asked Vishal whether Veena was there in the treat which Vishal and Priya gave in the restaurant. Vishal was not sure about her. He immediately called Priya and asked about Naveena had attended the party or not. Priya said that she is the only one who is not attended the treat and she remained him that, she mentioned about Veena in the party. “Who cares about her at that time? Every body is busy in ordering the food” Arjun commented for his part. Surya gave him a weird look and concentrated on Vishal. Priya told about Veena that she is quite a normal and to some extent reserved girl. Surya wanted her number from Priya but he decided to get it from her itself when they are close to each other. Priya also promised not to tell Veena about this conversation. All the room mates discussed about the coincidences and Surya went to sleep with lot many questions in his mind.

Next day is a new dawn for Surya. He usually woke up late in the morning but today he wanted to see Veena in the bus. Arjun is the one who will leave to office before everybody wakes up. Surya is reading the papers when Arjun is started preparing to going to office.
“Hey buddy! What happened to you? You wake up so early. Are you going to press your dress from now?” he asked sarcastically.
Surya give him a little cross lip smile as a reply.
“Don’t charge the IPod fully. Only charge for 10 min. Else you don’t get a chance to talk to her” Arjun said tying his shoe lace.
Again smile is the reply from Surya. Arjun started to his office saying bye and best of luck to Surya.
Surya started for the day to his office and he is in the bus now, expecting Veena to accompany in the next shop. To his expectation she boarded in the stop and she looked for the people. With a cute smile she came and sits next to Surya.

They greeted each other with ‘Hi’ and ‘Good Morning’. Surya doesn’t know how to begin the chat. Suddenly Priya strikes in his mind. “So did you buzz your best friend yesterday?” he started slowly. “No Yaar. I was bit busy and also tired yesterday. So I didn’t have a chance to call her” she replied in disguise. “So you have been staying here since you come to Chennai?” he asked to get to know the details on her.
“Nope. I just moved here recently. Previously I was in Area 33 when I was working in Company X as it is very near to my company”, she replied adjusting her hair which was flying the wind.
“Great. So how did you join the company? Are you campus recruited?” he doesn’t know how to talk about the personal information. So he decided to go along with this type of HR or rather interview questions.
“No. Previously I worked in Company Y and then moved to Company X”, she gave her bio-data.
Again a thunder strikes his mind. Vijay’s girl friend Rita is working in Company Y and is also staying in Area 33. In fact Surya know her well about the area and Rita as she is Vijay’s girl friend from the college itself. Some times Surya did a call taxi driver service by picking up Rita and drop in her hostel when Vijay Was busy with his works. Now he is not sure that Veena knows her or not but any way he decided to ask her about Rita.

“Hmm. I know a girl in the Company Y who is also staying in Area 33, in youth Ladies Hostel”, he gasped his breath to tell her name but she interrupted.
“Really! I’m also stayed in the same hostel”, replied with a second shock from him.
“Oh my God. What is happening here?” he said to himself and decided to tell about Rita.
“Her name is Rita. She had been there since her college days. Not even changed her room. I know she is on Room 123” he gave the details about Rita.
“You Know Rita? I’m on 122. We used to go to office together. Jesus! You know almost all my friends”, she is not holding her emotions any more.
Surya is hard to believe that all of his close relationships are some how related to the Veena. He made up in his mind that she is the ONE born for him. She is with him these days without having the knowledge on each other.

The bus reached the office and they go to their respective blocks as they are assigned for different accounts. They decided to meet on lunch hours daily and of course they are now the bus mates from today. As they didn’t know any body else, they stick on together to each other.
The bus journey and the lunch hours are the best and auspicious timings of the day for Surya as he is spending the hours with Veena.
Now Surya’s interest shifted to reading books like, How to influence other People? Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. Chicken soup for Teen’s Soul and other personality and self development or improvement books.
His day now begins with ‘How to Know Malayalam in 30 days’ instead of the ‘Holy Bible’. And instead of listening to the gospel songs, he tried to hear and understand the Malayalam songs. But unfortunately he is not able to understand not even a single line.
The both shared their likes, dislikes, interests, places, people they came across, hobbies, movies and many more. Surya got her number on the 3rd day itself and they started talking to each other within one week over the phone.
Now his days are more on the phone and internal messengers in the office and that too with only one person, Veena.

It has been over 5 months since Surya joined the new company or in other terms he met Veena. Surya and Veena are very close to each other and they really maintain a good friendship. The beauty in their relationship is that they never met outside the Office or Office bus. They are actually a good companion to each other’s complex. It was on one Wednesday the sad thing happened. She wore a pure white chudithar and she typically looked like a keralite with a turmeric strand in her fore head. She caught the bus in a hurry burry in the morning so that she couldn’t comb and pinned her hair properly. It was a tough day for her too. On the evening return Surya had a dull face and he seemed that he had lost something very precious in his life.

Both sat in silence on the return journey unlike other days. Veena is also tired but it looked strange for her. Her hair is caressing his face in the evening wind and he is not in a mood to enjoy this beautiful moment. It was Veena who breaks the ice. “Why are you so dull dumbo? Wake up and cheer me up. I’m so tired of my project schedules. From next week on I guess I’ll be staying late in the office and I wont be able to accompany you during the evening” she murmured in her tiredness.
He didn’t reply anything on hearing this. “I‘m going to miss you in the evenings for some days da”, she continued. “But I won’t let you alone for this whole journey. I’ll call you once you are in the bus and I’ll promise to talk to you till you reach home. Is that ok. Shall we have a deal then?”
Surya, slowly, “I don’t know how to tell this to you. But things are happing to us synchronously. I’m also going to miss you from next week”
“Oh. You are also having a project deadline. Cool. Don’t worry. We will take a break in the office at the evening then”, she replied happily.
“No” he nodded. “I’m going to Bangalore as my project is shifted to Bangalore this week end. All of us are going to Bangalore this week end” his heart is pounding heavily.

She is not able to react for some minutes. Unconsciously she wrapped her hand on his hand and she mounted her fore head on his left shoulders. The both are holding their hands together. It was a strange feeling for Surya. After his sister, she is the only women in his life to hold the hands like this. He felt comfortable and soothing at this moment. Both, doesn’t talk to each other for some minutes. “Okay. When are you leaving”, she raised her head towards him. “Saturday night. Sunday we have a BCP and connectivity testing there, in Bangalore. So everybody are moving on Saturday night” he looked the uneven flocks of her hair. She looked more beautiful than in the combed hair.
The rest of the journey is filled with silence and they didn’t call each other in that night.

Surya’s room mates are upset on hearing the news of the transfer. “At last we have to be separated on day. We won’t be living like this for our entire life. Every one is going to get married and settled with their wives. Being separated form each other doesn’t mean that we have completely forgotten each other. We will keep in touch with each other. Don’t worry about this separation and take this as a new opportunity to build your career” Arjun finally consoled everybody.
Thursday Surya and Veena didn’t talk much the separation but they discussed other things like the project stuff and all.

Friday has come. Surya has left only today to spend with Veena. Arjun asked Surya to take her out to beach or any other hang out. Surya liked his idea. Surya slowly started, “Why don’t we go out tonight after the office gets over?” he asked when they are on the bus.
“Where to?” she replied.
“Hmm... May be for a movie?” he asked with some hesitation.
She is thinking for a long time. He thought she may felt bad about this idea. “If you don’t want to come with me to watch movie, we can go for a restaurant. Is that okay for you?” he suddenly changed the venue.
“No. Nothing like that. I was just thinking that movie will take some long time to return in the night. So...” she is thinking again.
“Not more than 10:00. We will reach before 10:30 to home. I’ll drop you and take care of your safety”, he said as if he is a black belt in Marshall Arts.
“That’s okay. Deal then” she gave the permission with a cute smile.

Surya booked the ticket for an English Movie as both are comfortable only in that language. Both can understand the other’s mother tongue to some extent but they are not the professionals in understanding all.
They returned early from the office. Vijay and Vishal want Surya to propose today and they said that you can’t get a chance like this again. Both of them are proposed to their girl friend only in the Cinema Theater and especially in the Sathyam Complex where Surya is heading to. They even mocked that it’s a lucky theater for our home so that Surya can succeed if he proposes there. Surya is in a confused state whether to propose or not. Surya looked at Arjun. “What I’m not going to tell anything this time. It’s your life and your wish. You should be in a position to know the correct time to do this. Don’t take the other’s words for granted. Also love takes different forms and feelings according to the people’s attitude. Some people propose to whom they can live with and some with whom they can’t live without and in some others they simply forget the relation and marry some other people. Your decision is the final” Arjun gave a long speech and left the room.

Surya borrowed Vijay’s Pulsar and he is on time to pick up Veena at the bus stop. He dropped many girls in the bike. He regularly drops Rita and he did the driver job for Priya also. But he is feeling some what happy and he doesn’t know the reason.
Sathyam complex full of youths in the Friday and Saturday nights, both are adding a feather to the cap in the theater. They walked hand in hand to the hall and they watched the whole movie holding their hands.

During the return Surya felt a weird feeling in his life when, she holds his shoulders some time. He watched her in the real view mirror at time and he could see the tears coming out of her eyes. As he reduces the speed she wiped off the tears. He asked her whether he is going in s high speed which results in tears. She nodded and he drove the Pulsar with a minimum speed enjoying the beautiful night.

Saturday he is busy with his packing stuffs. His room mates helped a lot in doing the packing. They finished the packing in the afternoon itself and all of them went for a good restaurant to have a lunch. After lunch they went for Coffee day to have of course coffee. This is an unarranged schedule as both Rita and Priya wants to meet Surya before he leave. Actually Surya wants to have the lunch with his room mates alone. So he decided to meet them at the coffee shop.
Surya is always running behind the schedules and he never say to any of the appointment. He does not keep up his time always. When they returned it’s already late to catch the train. But Surya started to dial in his mobile phone. Vishal scolded him and tell Surya to make his call during his journey to the station itself.

As expected, he called up Veena and talked till they reach the station. As we easily guessed, they both exchanged lot of promises to send good morning and good night messages, proper mails, phone calls etc and they plan to build a strategy like a defense minister to keep in touch with each other.
The room mates had their dinner together in the station and Surya started his journey to Bangalore leaving Chennai, his room mates and of course his beloved unknown relationship named Veena.

Love Story-Made For Each Other -2

Surya was in a highly imaginative mood after he spoke with Naveena in the lunch hour. In the afternoon there is presentation for showing off the company norms, practices, work culture, hierarchical chart and all blah blahs. He decided to go to the last row of the seminar hall so as to get some nice sleep after the lunch. He expected that Veena will give him the company besides him and both will have a chat inside the seminar hall itself. But unfortunately she entered and sits in the first row. He is very much dejected on seeing this. He again recollected that, all the liked ones in his life are there only for a short period of time. He comforts himself that this relation is going to be like this only and this will never going to get closer. With the aching mind he tried to listen what is happening in the hall but his mind is diverted by the thoughts of Veena. At one stage, he becomes frustrated and asked to himself that he knows the girl only today and that too for not more that 4 hours and he exchanged only the general information with her. Then why the hell she is disturbing me a lot? Is this the people called the Love? Or is this the age to think like this always? He just wanted to be clear with his room mates with a conference call.

He planned to have the call with them during the break and the send the SMS to all of them. Only Vishal replied with okay. Surya knows that Arjun is sleeping and he can wake up at any time. He wants to talk to Vijay also as he is the one settled finally. He remembers that once all the four were good friends in the college days. Vijay got settled in the college days itself and Vishal after joining the company. Now a day’s he hardly speaks with the Vijay and Vishal. The two are busy in talking with their girl friends. Now, Arjun is the one who gives company many times to Surya. So he gave a missed call to Vijay and again sent an SMS for the call. At last he gets the acceptance reply exactly 10 minutes before the break.

Surya initiated the call and he explained everything to his room mates. All the three gave different conclusions. Vijay is for sure that Surya is in love and tell him to propose as soon as possible. Vishal is not fully accepting this as a love but he said this may be the starting point of love. Arjun is the one who is fully opposing the whole thing. After a series of debates, Arjun finally tell Surya, “Before concluding this as a love, at least try to make her as your friend as of now. And if you feel the same kind of affection towards her when the relation ship continues, I have no objection in proposing to her. I would say this is what I meant that you are in love” Arjun made his point clear. Some how, the logic and the psychology seem to be perfect. Every one accepts the same idea. Now Surya decides to think the same and the break is about to finish. The call ended with Surya thinking on making a friend ship with the loved one. This seems to be a different kind of relationship for him as he is afraid of talking with his loved ones. But this is a challenging task for him as he needs to talk to make a friendly relationship.

The noon presentation is over and everyone is about to start. Surya urge to ask where Veena is staying in the city but as she is in the first row, she had left the hall already. He decided to board the bus. He noticed a notice board in the bus pick up area. He went near the board and see what is displayed in the board. The board has the list of commuters who are using the bus with their employee ID. The list displayed is based on the route numbers of the bus. As he is a new joinee, he was aware that his or her names will not be on the board for this week. But he decided to have a look at the number of female who are traveling in the bus. As we expected, there are only 8 female people who are in the whole bus. His heart dragged him with heavy weight. He decided to get into the bus and want to hear some gospel.

Devotional Songs and Gospel are the energy boosters for Surya. When ever he feels dejected, he always listens to the gospel songs. He opened the Vishal’s IPod and selected one of his favourite gospels. He played the ‘Savoir- Testify my Glory’ song. He closed his eyes and listened to the song. Some lines in the song forced him to open his eyes. He saw an angel coming towards him and he could see that the angel’s face is Veena’s face. Suddenly he woke up from the dream and he realized that he is in the bus. He looked around the bus and he clearly spotted out that all the 8 girls are sitting in pairs with their boy friends. All activities like dumb sci, listening to music, reading some novels, chatting happily with their friends, are going in the bus. It doesn’t seem to be like a corporate bus but it looks like a college bus going to picnic. He gave a deep breath to get the positive attitude and he is again going to close his eyes.

This time he saw that Veena is actually boarding his bus. He couldn’t believe that this is going to happen. He can’t imagine that she will be on the same route. His heart is now jumping with joy as she boards the same bus. She is looking for a seat to sit. He began to beg or rather prays God, “Jesus, My savior, please send the girl to my seat. If not my seat at least the seat before me diagonally so that I can see her for the whole journey” Suddenly her eyes looked turned and looked at him. He pretended that he is changing some songs in the IPod with his head straight. He saw her without turning his head. She appears to be approaching his seat. His lips are very hard to hide his smile. His mind said,”Oh my...Oh my...Goddd...This is going to be the best evening that I had in my life”. It appeared to be that she is also smiling at him to come to his seat. When she approaches near him, he adjusted himself to make her to sit comfortable. But she turned before his seat and trying to occupy exactly one seat before his seat. At that time only he noticed that the seat before him is also empty and it’s a normal female tendency to occupy the vacant seat and that too if the window seat is free. He felt that his heart is broken a bit. But one mind of him thanked God for at least bringing her to this close.

Before Veena making her to sit, she suddenly noticed Surya in the back seat. “Hi Surya. What a surprise I never thought you are in the same route. Is anybody is going to get occupying those seats”, she mentioned the seats next to him.
“Nope. My left is always left with empty”, he replied in a poetic manner.
“In that case shall I fill your empty?” she asked laughingly.
“Sure but on your own wish”, he made his mind clear.
She changed her mind and she decided to sit next to him. He again thought this may be his imagination but as she sit next to him, he realized that everything is happening in real.
This time Surya doesn’t want to lose this golden opportunity. So he wanted to switch off his IPod and he needs to have a chat with her.
“What song are you listening for?” she started.
“Err. It’s my songs of wish…to say it’s a gospel song”, he thought that some of the girls doesn’t like the orthodox guys especially who involves more spiritual kind.
“Good. Now a day’s it’s hard to find people to listen to Gospel songs except on the Sunday church.” She said with some pity.
“So what kind of songs do you like?” he thought that most of the people know about the church masses in Sundays where they sing and play the gospel songs. Even his room mates used to listen to some of his gospel songs played by him. So there is no big deal that she knew about his religious traits and Christian routines.

“I like the Christmas songs and I’m very crazy on all the Hill Songs especially the Australian Hill Songs”, she said knowing that Surya is a Christian and he is aware of all the songs.
Jesus Christ! What is she telling? Hill Songs, Christmas songs? What is she talking about? He is ready to ask her that are you a Christian? Suddenly he see the temporary ID card of Veena flashing her full name as NAVEENA ANTHRAPER. C. In the form filling section, he saw her name as C.A.Naveena. He thought it was her father’s name. Now he thought that may be due to space constraint or other matter she will have a habit of writing her surname like that.

Surya doesn’t know how to react in this situation. He is totally confused. What is this strange coincidence? What the hell in this world want me to meet her like this? Why this is happening to me in this stage. ”God I’m already in a confused and messy mood. Why are you playing with me again? If you need to play with me again give me the enough strength to handle the situation”, he prayed to God.

He wanted to get more personal information about her within this journey. So he decided to ask her without wasting any more time. “Morning I didn’t see you in the bus”.
“You are aware that I came late to the office after half an hour or so. Then how come I’ll be able to come in the bus in the morning? Do you have the hill songs in your IPod? she changed the topic.
He blushed without knowing how to respond. “Careful Surya. Why are you asking this stupid kind of question? Use your brain at least now”, he said to himself.
“Yeah. I have the Video version itself. If you want you can watch the video for a while”, after telling this he realized that he himself is letting her to stop the chat. He uttered the word and he didn’t know what to tell if she asks the IPod to view the video. He has to sit along for the whole 45 minutes journey.

As he feared, she asked for the IPod to view the song. He had no other option other than to give her the IPod. He checked with the battery life. Thanks to Vishal. He never charges the IPod. Only Arjun charges it if he uses it. Now Arjun had bought a new mobile with a Radio attached. He always listen to one of his favourite RJ voice before going to office. When he is having his old phone only he used to take the IPod along with him and now he always listen to the local radio station. Now the battery is suffering to death. It hardly had 5- 10 minutes of backup. With a bumping happiness Surya gave her the IPod.

“Where can I found the video songs?” asked Veena finding difficulty in finding the songs as there are lot many video songs.
Surya helped her in finding the desired song and he asked her the song of her liking.
“I love to hear and see ‘One Way Jesus’ Song” she said. He asked why. “I don’t know. I can hear the song both as a gospel as well as a rock band song”, she smiled giving him the answer.
Rock song? His ears is hard to believe. He thought she is like him only to see the gospel in the fast track rock and pop like songs. But in his mind, this rings a bell. Arjun used to jump in the house on hearing the song accompanied by Vijay. Arjun always view this song as a rock rather than a devotional one. Surya played the song for her.

He just watched her expressions on hearing and seeing the song. He loves to hear the murmuring lines with her sweet voice from her lips rather than from the IPod. He feels this as a different experience. When the song is about to finish, the battery life is gone and the IPod switched off automatically.
“What happened? It’s been switched off automatically”, she asked with a little bit upset.
“The battery is gone. My room mates used this last night and forget to charge. I’ve taken this in a hurry burry mood”, he replied thanks to the IPod.

“That’s okay. Have your IPod back”, she gave her IPod back to Surya.
“It’s going to take about more than half an hour to reach my destination. Tell me something about you” Surya asked happily.
“Well. I’m not a special sort of person or popular personality to have my history to tell”, she said with a casual gesture.
“Of course. If you are that much popular then you would be on TV and I’m waiting in a crowd to get an autograph from you. Jokes and kidding apart. Just to kill the time”, he made his point clear.
She gave him a cute smile on hearing his kidding and said “To start with I’m the only child in my home. I used to play on my own and grown up with this lonely atmosphere. My parents are very loving and affectionate to me as I’m their only kid. My native place is Pune not Kerala but I brought up in Calicut, Kerala from my early child hood and we settled down there. My father is a Government Employee and he used to change his work place a lot. So we had a tendency to move all over India before settling in Kerala. My mother is of course a house wife. Is this information enough? Now it’s your turn”

“Yup. I had an elder sister. My native is Madurai in south Tamil Nadu. I did my schooling in Madurai. After that I moved here to Chennai for my college. I studied in SSN Engineering College. My father is a bank employee and he is settled there in my native itself. Mom is a House wife. And I thought you are a native of Kerala. So when did you actually moved to Kerala? I mean on which year of study?” he finishes his turn
When I was in 8th standard I moved to Calicut. From then we are in Kerala only.
Surya thought she obviously studied in the College of Engineering as it’s the only college he was aware of. To confirmation he asked, “So you did your college in COE?”
“Nope. I studied in Kochi Engineering College. COE is not the only college in Kerala”, she replied quickly.
Again a nose break to Surya. “Common Surya, use your senses. Ask her directly and don’t act like a smart. Be yourself.” He said to himself. Also something strikes Surya that he heard the name of the college KEC sometime back. Now to his recollection, Vishal’s girl friend Priya is also studied in KEC.
Now he wants to know her age too. So he needed a question for that and Priya’s name helped him this time. Quickly, without letting her asking another question to him, he asked, “Hey, you studied in KEC. A friend of mine is also studied in KEC. Which year pass out are you?

“Really. I’m a 2003 pass out. What about your friend? And which branch?” she tell in a surprise
Now the chemistry works for Surya. He calculated that she may be more or less his age even though she joined lately or having a gap in the education. Surya had a gap in the education and he joined the schooling also very late. He is the eldest in the class. Almost 2 years of difference is there with his college mates. He is always scolding Vishal for roaming behind Priya in the initial stages of Vishal’s Love. Sometimes he gets too tensed when Vishal brought the book, ’How to read Malayalam in 30 Days?’ He asked him what is so much important on her to behave in such a manner. He helped Vishal in his final stages to take the decision for Priya. At last when both are finalized they gave him a big treat in a 5 star multi cuisine restaurant. To his surprise Priya’s college friends, who are currently her room mates, are also accompanied in the hotel. As we guessed Surya didn’t open his mouth there.

“She is also a 2003 pass out. She is from ECE department. Her name is Priya”, he said after recollected his thoughts.
After hearing the name Priya she couldn’t believe her ears. “Do you know Priya? She is my very best friend from my college. She is my room mate and class mate in the college. I can’t imagine that you know her. By the way how did you know her?” she asked unbelievingly.
Surya caught up in a hook now. He don’t know how to tell that she is Vishal’s girl friend. ” say that I know her from my friend…actually room mate...” Surya stammered to get the words.
“Is your room mate studied in KEC?” she is not letting him without telling the truth.
“Frankly speaking she is a girl friend of my friend. Okay” he breathed a sign of relief.
“Oh really! Vishal is your room mate. You stay with Vishal. I never believe this. You are driving me crazy today”, she is hard to explain her over whelming excitement.

Jesus Christ! Oh my God! I’m going to be insane today. She knows Vishal. Am I dreaming now? What is this? This is supposed to happen only in the movies. But how come this happens in my life? He is totally confused between the real and the imaginary world now. He never have or heard this type of experiences and links.
“You know about Vishal? How come? “he asked to get to know by any chance she knows about him already.
“Priya used to tell me a lot about the Vishal. Your question is absurd. She is the best friend of mine and obviously I know about her all right?” she proclaimed.
“That’s right. Then you could have know about other Vishal’s room mates.” He just wanted to be clear that she know him already or not.
“Nope. I know only about Vishal. I didn’t see him in person too. I saw him in a photo once when Priya forwarded me an individual photo which took in a team outing”, she explained.
He remembers Arjun saying that girls are interested only in their interests and they hardly hear other than their interests. But there are exceptions also. He understands that how true in the case of Priya. If she is an exception then he would know Veena a year before.

Before asking the next question Veena get up from the seat and tell Surya that she has to alight in this stop. He said bye and watch her alighting through the exit. It is actually one stop before Surya’s Stop. He thought that she is residing in his area only and he didn’t see for these days. He is happy that at least he had seen her finally.